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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 15

of your fathers, the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob.” Moses trembled at the word of the Lord God. I continued to utter the most holy words of God Almighty, “Take off the shoes from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Moses did as he was commanded. He trembled as he took off his old dusty worn out sandals.

  I continued to blast out the utterances of the Almighty, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people that are in Egypt, and have heard the cries of their groaning from under their harsh taskmasters. I will send you back into Egypt to deliver them by the power of my mighty hand.” Moses showed no confidence in being a deliverer to God’s holy nation. He had attempted to be their deliverer in the past and had failed. He had rested heavily upon the arm of his own strength and not in the might of the breath of Almighty God. Besides he was a wanted man for killing an Egyptian in Egypt. God Almighty wasn’t deterred by Moses’ attitude. He continued to speak through me saying, “I will bring my people out of Egypt into a land that is rich, a land flowing with milk and honey. My people have begged and pleaded for my help and I have seen how cruel the Egyptians have been towards them. Now go to the King! I am sending you to lead my people out of this foreign country.”

  But Moses said, “Who am I that I should go to the king and lead your people out of Egypt?” But I replied under the Lord’s command, “I will be with you. And you will know that I am the one who sent you when you worship me on this mountain after you have led my people out of Egypt.” The words of the Lord God are pure words. They started to have an affect upon Moses’ diminished heart. The word of the Lord was taking root in his heart. Faith was arising as he was hearing the word of the Lord. He began to mix the word of the Lord with his own faith. He inquisitively started to ask God Almighty questions about the mission. He was going to tell the people of Israel that the God whom their ancestors worshipped had sent him to them. But he wasn’t sure what he should say to them when they ask him the name of his God.

  I, Gabriel the archangel of the Lord knew my place in heaven. I could no longer speak on behalf of God Almighty. I kept silent and burned more passionately than ever before. The bush went from a fiery red to a bright brilliant blue flame. Suddenly the Lord God thundered from behind me. “Tell them I AM THAT I AM has sent you,” blasted the Lord God from his secret hiding place. Moses trembled at the powerful voice of the Lord and he hid his face while I continued to glow with all my might. I kept silent as I knew the power of God Almighty’s holy name, the great I AM. He is the eternal God, YAHWEH. He is an eternal breath that is exhaled and never to be inhaled again. He is the self existent God of heaven and earth.

  He will be whatever you need him to be. He continued to breathe upon Moses with powerful prophesies, “This is the name that I will be remembered by throughout every generation.” Moses tried to make excuses about how slow in speech he was. He failed to speak out what he thought and felt with eloquence. The Almighty became firm with him and reprimanded him in a strong tone of voice. “I made your mouth,” thundered the Lord God Almighty once again. “I will teach you how to say things and I will tell you what to say.”

  The Lord God then gave Moses a sign of his great power. He made him throw his shepherds staff to the ground. On doing so his staff turned into a serpent that had a fiery venomous bite and Moses distanced himself from it. Moses became a bit anxious when the Lord God commanded him to pick it up again by the tail. When Moses took the serpent by the tail it became a rod again. Then God Almighty commanded Moses to place his hand upon his heart underneath his robe and then take it out again. When Moses did this his hand came out snow white, covered with leprosy. When he returned his hand onto his bosom and drew it back out again his hand became as his own flesh again.

  The Lord God will never send a man without first giving him power. The disciples of the Messiah waited in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power from on high. They received power when the holy breath of God came upon them. They were witnesses both in Jerusalem and Judea and to the ends of the earth. God gives you power when he breaths upon you, to fulfil the tasks he has called you to do.

  I continued to glow for several minutes after the God of heaven had spoken to Moses. The bush had not been affected at all by my burning flame. Moses stood dazed in a trance astounded by the appearing of the glory of the Lord in the bush. He had been stunned by the awesome power of the Lord God Almighty. God had given him a simple message, “Let my people go.” While Moses left to return to Egypt and gather the elders of Israel from every tribe, Michael dressed himself for battle along with a multitude of heavenly hosts. The Lord God had told Moses that Pharaoh was not going to let them go and make sacrifices to Him in the wilderness. God Almighty was going to flex his muscles and stretch out His mighty hand with plagues against Egypt before the king would let them go. There was going to be a war over Egypt and Michael and his angels were ready for battle.

  Freedom from Slavery. #13

  I, Michael the Archangel of War was about to duel against Satan in the heavens. That ancient dragon’s influence over that hard hearted King of Egypt was going to be broken. I saw that God Almighty had prepared Himself for battle, so I too girded myself up for war along with my angelic army. I was brilliantly clothed with the splendour of the Lord in my heavenly armour that glistened in the brilliant light of the glory of the Almighty. I held the sword of the Lord God tightly and securely in my right hand. I had a score to settle with that baby killing king of Egypt.

  Moses went and returned to Jethro, his father in law and told him of his experience before the burning bush and about the confrontation with God Almighty. “Let me go I pray,” requested Moses intently, “let me go and return to my brethren who are in Egypt and see whether they are still alive?” Jethro said to Moses, “Go in peace.” Then God Almighty said to Moses, “Go and return to Egypt for the men who sought to take your life are all dead.” So Moses took his wife and his sons, set them upon a donkey and returned to the land of Egypt with the rod of God in his hand.

  There was a sudden unexpected emergency that I had to attend to in the wilderness. I had to stop Moses dead in his tracks as he journeyed back to Egypt. He had been sent without first been prepared. I would have killed him if it were not for his wife. The Lord God had instructed me not to allow him to go any further. With the sword of the Lord tightly clinched in my hand I was ready to strike. I would have killed him with a single blow and he wouldn’t have known what had hit him. His wife Ziporah came to his rescue by immediately circumcising him and their son with a sharp stone.

  Flesh needed to be cut away so that they would no longer rely upon the strength of their flesh ever again. God had led Aaron, Moses’ brother to him in the wilderness with pin point accuracy. It was as impossible as finding a needle in a hay stack for Aaron to find Moses in the Wilderness. Yet the Lord God directed their footsteps and joined their paths together at the Mountain of the Lord. They embraced, kissed and then Moses told Aaron all the words of the Lord God Almighty and the mighty deeds that He had performed. In agreement they then set off to face the might of Pharaoh in Egypt.

  Aaron spoke all the words which the Lord had spoken to Moses before all the elders of the children of Israel and displayed the signs of God Almighty before all the people. When the people heard that God had visited them and had looked upon their slavery and affliction. They believed the word of the Lord, bowed their heads and worshipped the God of heaven. Afterwards Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh. Moses boldly approached Pharaoh, King of Egypt and commanded as the Lord God had commanded him, “The Lord God declares unto you. Let my people go. Let them journey three days into the wilderness and worship me there with sacrifices.” Pharaoh had become infected with that serpent dragon’s deadly virus of pride. He was not intimidated by God’s instructions. “I do not know your God, the God of the Hebrews,” replied the King of Egypt, “therefore I will not let you go and offer sacrifices as worship to your God in the wilderness.”

  Pharaoh had become just lik
e his father the devil. He wanted to keep the Hebrew nation under the yoke of slavery and did not want them to learn the art of worship. Satan’s ancient tactics have not change at all over the millennia. If he can stop a man from worshipping his God in spirit and in truth and give him a slave mentality he has the battle won. If only mankind could understand the power of pure worship and sacrifice unto the Living God. Worship and sacrifice can inspire a man to do battle as the Lord God always shows up at the place of sacrifice. God always arises upon the praises of his holy people and when God arises his enemies are scattered. He will always show himself strong on behalf of those who’s hearts are perfect in worship towards him. If God Almighty is on your side then no one will be able to stand against you. Not even Satan, that ancient vile demon dragon. The Lord will show himself as a mighty fortress to save those who worship him in spirit and in truth.

  Once again I saw the mighty delivering hand of God Almighty. He wasn’t going to take no for an