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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 23

God.” She like Abraham did not stagger at the promises of God. I knew that she had believed the word of the Lord with or without the sign. I gave her the news of the sign as instructed by the Almighty. I announced, “Elizabeth your relative who is old in age and who was barren is with child for six months already.”

  As my mission was complete I departed for home, the throne-room that is. At that time Mary got ready and hurried to the little town in the hill country of Judea where Zechariah and Elizabeth lived. When the two women greeted one another the child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy as the Holy Spirit breathed upon her. Blessed is she who believes that what the Lord has spoken to her will be accomplished? Those women put two and two together and came to the conclusion that they had both been assassinated with the word of the Lord. I had been exposed as the woman had concluded that I was the guilty culprit for delivering Gods holy word.

  Finally when the child was born to Zechariah and Elizabeth they gave him the name John in-spite of resistance from their relatives who demanded a more traditional family name. After they had named the child John according to the word of the Lord, immediately Zechariah’s mouth was opened and his tongue was loosed. Little did Elizabeth and Zechariah realise that their bareness had produced the greatest prophet that would ever live. He would prepare the way in the realm of the spirit for the coming of the Messiah. As it was the order of the Almighty God to use prophets to ordain kings. So he was about to ordain the greatest king who had ever lived, the king of the Jews.

  In Mary’s virgin womb a miracle was being woven and knitted together miraculously. He was to be another Adam, another Son of God, and another ruler in the earth to restore man back to his original state. A duel seed was alive on the inside of her, the seed of the woman and the seed of Abraham. The incarnate seed that grew on the inside of her had a multiple purpose. For this purpose was the Son of God made manifest, that he might destroy the works of that ancient dragon, the devil. The seed of the woman was going to crush that ancient serpent’s head while bruising his own heel in the process. The royal seed of Abraham had finally arrived as predicted by the prophets.

  Now Joseph was a direct descendant of kind David and was part of the royal bloodline through which the Messiah would come. I, Gabriel was given the task of speaking to him in a dream while he slept upon his bed. Joseph was a law abiding citizen. He was a dedicated, disciplined and diligent worker. He was one of the finest and most skilled carpenters in the entire country. He hand-crafted the most exquisite furniture. He had a reputation in the village for being a just, honest, upright and integral man. Whatever he set his hand to do, he did it with all his might. He was engaged, in the promise of marriage to Mary and because of his reverential fear and respect for God’s laws. He did not engage in premarital relations with her, thereby dishonouring his father’s name and bringing shame upon his household. Joseph refused to defile the marriage bed by committing fornication. He respected the holy covenant of marriage that was sealed in blood when the marriage became consummated. He therefore had been faithful not to physically engage himself in sexual relations with Mary until after vows were made to God on his wedding day.

  It was not going to be easy for me to convince Joseph that Mary was pregnant by another manner other than the “birds” and the “bees.” For him to accept that Mary was pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit was going to be a challenge. To explain that Mary was pregnant due to the Lord God breathing upon her and shading around her womb would be outrageous. Therefore God Almighty requested that I speak to him in a dream. I was comfortable with not having to speak to him face to face but rather appearing to him in a dream. A man with a dogmatic mindset is difficult to convert. He had discovered that Mary was pregnant but he was not willing to publicly expose her to bring shame and disgrace upon her. For real love covers a multitude of sins. Rather, He chose to quietly and secretly break off the engagement with a bill of divorce according to the Law of Moses. If news of Mary’s pregnancy became public she would have been taken out of the city gates and stoned as she had conceived out of wedlock.

  It was late in the evening and Joseph slept lightly as he was troubled in spirit by Mary’s news. He kept thinking and pondering over and over again about the matter. I then appeared to him in a dream saying, “Joseph, you royal descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife for she has conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Joseph started to toss and turn upon his bed but that did not deter me from continuing to bombard him with the word of the Lord. I proclaimed the word of the Lord again and again, ensuring that his sub-conscious mind would embrace it. “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife for she has conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. She shall bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins. He will be called Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”

  I think that I had persuaded Joseph that God was growing and forming Himself on the inside of Mary. The prophecy was fulfilled that a virgin would conceive, and that she would bear a son. The word of the Lord always brings peace and solidarity to a situation like the calm after the storm. When I had sensed that a peace that passes all understanding had come upon Joseph, I then departed at the speed of a lightning flash.

  Joseph arose the next morning clothed with the peace of God and did as I had commanded him. He took Mary to be his beloved wife. At that time the Romans were having a census to determine the population. So Joseph had to return to the place of his birth with his wife Mary. So he packed his donkey and set off on his long Journey to the place of the birth of the Messiah. Yet there once again lurked an immanent danger. That ancient serpent, that dragon was more crafty and cunning than ever before. He purposed to destroy the seed of the woman and eradicate it from the face of the earth forever. Once again the Lord God’s exact replica according to his own formation was in danger of elimination.

  Birth of a King. #21

  The shepherds were out in the fields that night watching over their sheep. Suddenly I appeared as a bright light and shone all around them. I, Gabriel the Archangel of the Lord was pregnant with exciting news that came directly from the Throne of Glory. Once again I shone with all my brightness filling up the night sky with a majestic glow. Then I declared in a loud voice unto the shepherds, “This day in the town of Bethlehem, a great King and Saviour has been born. All those who walk in darkness have seen a great light. Gods only begotten Son has been sent into the world. He will be the light of the world and He will be the good shepherd of His people.” The shepherds stood in amazement at my bright bold appearing. These simple shepherds showed great faith and believed the word of the Lord. They praised and glorified the God of heaven from the bottom of their hearts and with all their might. They inhaled what God Almighty had exhaled by simply just believing the word of the Lord.

  “God has given us peace on the earth,” they sang harmoniously as they went to find the newborn King just as the Spirit of the Lord had prompted them to do. They found the baby Jesus sleeping in a manger at the stable, just as the Holy Spirit had directed them. They worshipped and praised God the Father when they saw the baby Jesus. “God has sent us his only begotten Son,” sang the shepherds once again, “He will be the Good Shepherd and He will lay down His life for his sheep.” After worshipping God they went and told the whole town that a great King and Saviour had been born. I remained in the stable all that night and watched the humble beginnings of the greatest King that was ever born, the King of the Jews. We angels always quote to one another what the Almighty always says, “Do not despise small beginnings.” He was born in the stable with the animals as a sign that he was the Good Shepherd of Gods people. The Lamb of God was born in a stable with the animals. We angels all know that Jesus is who He says He is. He is the Good Shepherd and He leads His sheep to springs of living water.

  Follow that Star.

  The Magi were not only men of great wisdom and understanding but they were also men of deep spiritual insight into knowing the
signs of the times. The Lord had made known unto them the mysteries of the birth of the Son of God. I, Michael the Archangel of the Lord, his battle warrior was given the humble task of guiding these men as Gabriel was dispatched on another mission to appear before some faithful shepherds out in the fields tending their sheep. When the Magi first saw me appear as a guiding light in the heavenly realm, they were confused but astounded. Some of them said, “It’s just another sign in the heavens and like all other starry signs it will soon fade away.” Others were curious by the prompting in their inner man and desired to gain Godly understanding and insight. They became possessed with curiosity and followed my blazing trial across the heavenly sky. “I’ll follow that star no matter where it leads me,” they declared.

  I was totally undone and completely exposed. The Magi in all their God given wisdom had read me like a book. God Almighty had instructed me to appear in the Far East in my luminous attire. I was to appear in the heavenly realm