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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 17

out and appointed by God Almighty in order for him to grow in character. In my view he was the greatest king that Israel had the privilege of seeing. While he was living in the fields tending his father’s sheep, the hand of the Lord rested strongly upon him. He was learning the art of worship. He like Moses was being divinely prepared and anointed by God while faithfully looking after someone else’s sheep. God Almighty finds the strangest of places to prepare and anoint his chosen men. I can remember a disobedient man who attempted to run away from God and found himself being prepared in the belly of a rather large fish.

  This young man David would worship the Lord upon the strings of his harp. He would sing, dance and praise God as he watched over the sheep. He had learnt the art of worshipping God from the bottom of his heart of hearts and not with mere religious lip service. The Lord God would arise upon David’s praises and scattered his vile enemies before him. Hell would tremble and flee as David began to worship the God of heaven with all his might. I would watch the Lord God as he sat upon his throne and listened to David sing and gently strum upon the strings of his instrument.

  At times God Almighty would rise to his feet and would begin dancing around the throne room with jubilation. The Lord would rejoice over David with singing and dancing and with great joy. The thing that I admired the most about David was his open heart. His heart perused the very things that the heart of God perused after. David knew that the Almighty loved to be worshipped in spirit and in truth and therefore David would dance and sing with all that was in his heart. As the deer panted for the water brooks so the heart of David panted after the Lord. We angels knew that the Lord God Almighty loved David with an everlasting love.

  Man always looks at the outward appearance but God always looks at the heart. David was man's last choice for being chosen to be the king yet he was Gods first choice. He wasn’t even invited to the party when the time came for a king to be chosen and anointed. The prophet of God had to send his arrogant bothers into the fields to find him and bring him back to anoint him as king. The pure in heart will always see God and David saw the glory of God on numerous occasions in his lifetime. His life was a type and shadow of the future redeeming Messiah. David served the Lord as a king, a prophet and a priest. I went into battle with him on many occasions. The Lord God arose on many occasions as a man of war and did battle on David’s behalf. A fire always goes before the Lord and it burns up all his enemies.

  David’s time of testing also came like Abraham’s did. On a dark and lonely night while young David was out tending the sheep in the fields, he came under attack by a ferocious predator. He was awakened by the sound of a small ewe lamb being tortured in the jaws of a fierce beast. Without hesitation and without fear David ran out into the darkness to rescue the little lamb as the Lord God breathed upon him. David went out after the beast and struck it, and delivered the lamb from out of its mouth. When the beast arose and turned against him, he caught it by the beard, and struck it down and killed it. David had killed both the lion and the bear in this manner as the spirit of the Lord had come and breathed upon him.

  I stood beside David and protected him on countless nights as he fought against wild beasts from devouring the sheep. The anointing upon the life of David grew stronger and stronger over time. One day he was sent by his father to the battle lines to take supplies to his pious, arrogant and self-centred brothers. David left the sheep with a shepherd and departed. It was then that I saw the true warrior arise and emanate out of the young lad.

  He blatantly refused to accept the defiance of an uncircumcised Philistine from Gath, who hurled insults at the army of Israel. This champion giant was huge in stature and almost my equal in size. He had been a warrior from his youth and had known no defeat. I would have broken him in half like a toothpick but the battle was not mine, the battle was the Lord’s at the hand of David. The victory will always be yours when the battle is given too the Lord. David knew this. I often heard him sing to the Lord, “The victory is mine when the battle is the Lords. God is my fortress and my strength, a strong tower in the time of war. He will not cause my foot to be moved.”

  We angels would always listen intently and quietly memorize the tunes of David’s songs. David knew that when God was for him then no man would be able to stand against him. He knew that if he made God Almighty his refuge, even the Most High his habitation, then no evil would befall him and no plague would come near to his dwelling place. The Almighty would give us angels charge over him to keep him in all his ways. And because the Lord God had given me charge over young David. He trampled down the Lion and the adder: the young lion and that ancient dragon, he trampled under foot. God Almighty set David on high because David loved him and exalted his name on high. I heard the Almighty say of David, “I will be with him in the time of trouble and I will deliver him and honour him. I will set him on high because he has known my name and called upon me. Therefore with a long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

  However, David wasted no time in expressing his heavenly opinion about this loud vocal Giant called Goliath. He said, “God Almighty who has delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hands of this filthy Philistine.” The battle was on. The king insisted that David put on his own personnel armour to be his representative in the battle. Yet Saul’s armour was too heavy and clumsy for young David and besides, he was unfamiliar with it on. God had prepared David’s fingers for battle and his hands for war. So he went out to battle with what God had placed in his hands.

  David was confidant that the victory would be his if the battle belonged to the Lord. He placed his hope in the mighty name of the Lord God of heaven above. So he took his staff and went to the nearest brook and hand picked five smooth stones. One pebble was for Goliath and the other four were for each of his big ugly brothers. What can I say the kid was like me, he had tenacity? He was willing to go the extra mile and also kill the giant’s four brothers.

  David then went and stood upon the battlefield to duel against the enormous giant. The genetically deformed overgrown giant from Gath groaned in laughter and insulted, “Am I a dog that you come out and fight me with a stick.” David not intimidated by the giants sport calmly replied, “You come out to fight me with a sword, a spear and with a javelin. But I come against you in the name of the Lord God Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied. My God will deliver you into my hand today, and I will strike you down and cut your head from off your shoulders and give the bodies of the army of the Philistines to the birds of the air. Today I will feed you to the wild beasts of the earth, so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.”

  This angered the giant and rightfully so, it was not often that he was threatened by his enemies. He felt degraded that a small boy had stepped onto the battlefield and challenge him in a battle to the death. He wanted a worthy opponent like another giant. It would have been the clash of the giants if Saul had stepped out onto the battlefield. King Saul was a giant in his own right as he stood head and shoulders above most other men. I think that Saul was so used to hiding behind the bagged that he found a tent to hide in on the battlefield that day. I personally think that he was a man pleaser and thus he was fearful of man’s rejection. We angles are forbidden to judge as only God can judge a man. I saw Saul rise and I saw Saul fall. The judgement of Almighty God came upon him because of his disobedience. Then an evil spirit tormented him until the day that he died. It was a tragedy.

  The heart of David did not fail within him as the soldiers of Israel’s hearts did fail within them. His heart of hearts was set upon the Lord who girded him with strength and made his way perfect. David knew that it was not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord. So David ran with all his might to meet the giant in the middle of the battlefield. With a single smooth stone loaded in his sling and with the name of the Lord God upon his lips, David did battled. The hand of the Almighty guided that pebble from David
’s sling, through the air and onto the forehead of that cruel giant. The name of the Lord was transferred onto a stone and assassinated a defying giant, bringing victory to the holy nation of Israel. The giant crashed face first in the dirt after the stone had sunk into his forehead, cracking his skull and splintering bone fragments into his brain.

  David then ran and stood over the Philistine. He took out the giant’s own sword and drew it out of its sheath, and killed him with it as he cut off his head. When the Philistines saw that their champion fighter was dead they fled in every direction. The army of Israel perused them and cut them down to the ground one by one. They plundered the enemies tents and took the spoil for themselves. I stood behind David upon the battlefield on that triumphant day. The young man’s knees didn’t shake nor did his legs tremble. There wasn’t even a speck or a grain of terror in his heart. He did not tremble nor was he afraid because the Lord God almighty had breathed upon him and the God of heaven was