Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 18
with him.
David fought many battles in his lifetime yet a greater king than he would arise. It was at the hands of this future king that the final enemy Satan, that ancient dragon would be destroyed forever. The seed of David’s royal bloodline was going to crush the head of Satan the serpent. Don’t get me wrong! David was a great and noble king. David ruled over Israel for forty prosperous years and then he died in his old age. What a great king. Yet a greater king than David would arise. I saw David rise and I saw him fall. But the greatest king of all would never fall. He would be the conqueror of conquerors and the King of all kings. The Lion of the tribe of Judah would arise and establish his everlasting kingdom upon the earth like David had established the House of David in Jerusalem.
Return to Glory. #15
There were many differences between King David and King Saul. I Gabriel the Archangel of the Lord saw these distinct differences with my very own eyes. I had very little time for King Saul. He was the epiphany of a man pleaser and not a God pleasure. Israel got what they deserved when they asked God to give them a man as a king, not from the kingly tribe of Judah. God obliged after feeling rejected that his holy nation had opted for a monarchy, the rule of a man, rather than a theocracy, the ruler ship of God. So the Lord gave them King Saul who was from the smallest tribe of Benjamin.
The prophet Samuel saw this deed as evil when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” So Samuel prayed to the Lord and God answered him and said, “Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you. They have not rejected you, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. Since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even until this day, they have forsaken me and served other gods. Now listen to their voice. Only, you shall surely protest solemnly to them, and show them the kind who shall reign over them.”
So God gave them Saul a wild donkey of a man who looked after donkeys. In my view he was also a “donkey” of a king. Yet God Almighty anointed him as king over Israel. I have seen many men bring a curse upon themselves by simply opposing Gods anointed. Do not touch God’s anointed, nor do any harm to his holy prophets. He has chosen them and anointed them and it’s his prerogative if they rise or if they fall. Irrespective of Saul’s fleshly behaviour he was chosen and anointed by God to be king over Israel. Samuel went ahead and anointed Saul as king by pouring anointing oil over his head from an earthen flask, a cup. David however was anointed by the prophet with oil from a ram’s horn, the horn of a mature lamb.
I saw Saul burn with jealousy over young David because Saul had killed his thousands but David had killed tens of thousands. Like a dog on a hunting trip would hound the scent of a deer, so King Saul hounded David. He perused David from place to place and from wilderness to wilderness. David would hide himself in caves like a wild animal. David found refuge in the caves because like Joseph, he found that God was with him even in times of trouble. The fresh mountain air and the solitude of the cave caused David to praise his God during the time of his affliction. The Almighty one-day delivered Saul into the hands of David. Saul had fallen asleep in the same cave where David was hiding. David could have done anything he wanted to that evil selfish king. Instead he refused to touch the anointed of God even though the Holy Spirit had departed from Saul and an evil spirit was tormenting him. He even felt guilty for cutting off a small portion of King Saul’s garment as evidence that God had given him into his hands. If it were me, I would have had Michael, slice him in two and feed him to the wild beasts of the field.
The greatest difference between King David and King Saul was not the fact that David looked after sheep and Saul looked after donkeys. The greatest difference was obedience. Saul disobeyed God time and time again while David did everything that the Lord God had commanded him too. It was God’s intention to establish his everlasting kingdom and royal bloodline through Saul even though he wasn’t from the tribe of Judah. But because of Saul’s disobedience God rent the kingdom from him and gave it to David, the rightful heir. God does not delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices but the Lord delights in the obedience of a contrite heart. A contrite heart is what King David had. His heart continually yearned for the presence of the Lord. When Saul and his three sons had all died on the same day, that’s when David took over as king. David pursued to have the glory of God restored back to its rightful place. David made arrangements to have the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God to be brought back to Jerusalem.
The Ark of the Covenant represented the glowing Glory of God Almighty. When Adam sinned the Glory of God that had clothed him departed and his nakedness was exposed. God Almighty has always longed to walk with man and dwell in his midst. We angels show the highest respect for the glowing Glory of Almighty God. His throne room, the place where The Almighty dwells and where his Glory emanates from. It is the most sacred and holiest of all holy places.
We angels tread only with reverential fear and respect when we enter the throne room of his glowing glory. There are strict rules and guidelines that we angels have to follow when we are before the throne of his glory. We have to bow down and cover our faces and cry out with all our might, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.” If wickedness be found in our hearts, we will be expelled and join the ranks of Lucifer, that pious fallen angel.
God established a blueprint of his throne room on the earth through his servant Moses. The exact pattern of the throne room was established upon the earth in the wilderness. The tabernacle that Moses built was an exact replica and it duplicated what was in heaven. God Almighty wanted to clothe man once again with the very essence of who he is, like he did with Adam in the secret Garden of Eden.
We angels call this mantle his glowing glory. If only mankind, with his tiny mind, could understand the extreme measures that the Lord has made to dwell among them and clothe them with his Glory. Yet in the wilderness they hid their faces from God and refused to see him face to face. They refused to have the face of Almighty God shine upon their faces. They refused to “glow” and be an exact reflection and replica of God Almighty in the earth. We angels don’t have the same privileges that mankind has, to approach the throne of grace with boldness and confidence. We don’t have the opportunity to be clothed with the very Glory of the Almighty. That’s the privilege of all those born of the woman, the sons of God.
David understood that the heavens could not even contain the Lord God Almighty. He knew that God wanted a place to dwell in and that place was in the heart of a man. God had chosen to dwell in a wooden box overlaid with fine refined gold because man did not want him to dwell in their hearts. David’s heart wanted what Gods heart wanted. God wanted to dwell with man and David wanted to dwell with God. The Ark of the Covenant had been captured several years before Saul had been anointed as king by the prophet Samuel. Samuel had seen the glowing Glory of God depart when the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the philistines. He knew the privilege of dwelling before the throne of God as he had often slept beside the Ark of the Covenant as a young boy. During the forty year reign of King Saul no effort was made to retrieve the glowing Glory of God and restore it back to its rightful place.
David was distinctly different. His heart pursued hard after the Lord God Almighty. He learnt that the Glory of Almighty God had to be handled in a certain way. The holy things of God could not be treated as common. David tried to transport the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem on a cart pulled by oxen. The oxen had stumbled in a ditch in the road and the Ark of God tilted. Uzziah stretched his hand out to steady the glowing Glory and on touching it he died. No flesh can boast and glory itself in the presence of Almighty God. Sinful flesh cannot touch the glowing glory of Almighty God and live. Uzziah, like Samuel had grown up around the Ark of the Covenant. It had been kept in his father’s house as a piece of furniture for many years after the philistines had sent it back on a cart drawn by oxen. The holy things of God had become common to him and he treated them as common. To him the Ark of the
Covenant had become just another piece of common furniture in his father’s house. David had to learn that the Glory of God can only be carried upon the shoulders of the priests.
David pursued his passion to build a holy house for the glowing Glory of Almighty God to tabernacle in. But he did not restore the Ark of the Covenant back to the existing tabernacle established under Moses. Instead he established a new order tabernacle in Jerusalem on Mount Zion. He established a new order of priesthood who worshipped with musical instruments and sang before the God of heaven both day and night. They blew the trumpet in Zion and sounded the alarm on God’s holy mountain, like we angels who blast our trumpets before the throne. King David placed the Ark of God in an open tent so that the glowing Glory of God was no longer hidden and veiled. David knew the art of worship and he refused to worship the Lord Almighty without any cost. He only paid the full price of self sacrifice when he set his heart on worshipping his God. Praise was now deemed as the