Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 19
burning of incense and the lifting of hands as the evening sacrifice. It was a powerful new order of worship and sacrifice.
One day, under the instruction of the prophet Gad, King David went to purchase a threshing floor to build an altar there to the Lord God. Araunah, the owner of the threshing floor gave King David a great deal. Not only did he offer him the threshing floor for no cost at all but he was willing to give the King free oxen for the sacrifice. He even offered the threshing boards and the yokes as fuel for the fire. David’s response was that of a true worshipper. King David refused by saying, “No, I will pay you what they are worth. I can’t offer anything unto the Lord that has not cost me something.” David then paid the full price of fifty pieces of silver for the threshing floor and the oxen. Then he built an altar there and burnt sacrifices upon it unto the Lord.
Obedience is much better than sacrifice and King David obeyed the Lord God with all his heart. He learnt that the sacrifices that pleased the Lord, was not the fat of innocent animals but a heart empty of self. A heart that was exempt and broken of all self and humbly contrite in nature. David wrote many songs unto the Lord from the deepest secret place of his heart. The musicians would sing them before the tent of glowing Glory that was established upon Mount Zion. The songs of David could be heard throughout Jerusalem continuously both day and night. The music that emanated from Mount Zion reached the highest heaven and echoed before God’s holy throne.
It was wonderful, it was powerful, it was inspirational and it was pure. Not even Lucifer could have produced such great compositions. The melody and the harmony, the rhythm and the rhyme touched the heart of hearts of the Lord God. King David praised the Lord with singing, dancing, clapping. Shouting, the raising of his hands and upon the many instruments that he had invented. King David not only worshipped the Lord with all his might but with all his heart.
Yet there was still a greater priestly and Kingly order yet to come. One who would carry the very glowing Glory of God the Father upon the head of His shoulders? His purpose, like King David, would be to restore the glowing Glory of God back to its rightful place. This kingly and priestly order would be the only begotten of God the Father, being the exact reflection and replica of his Glory and the express image of his very being. So that once again God and man could walk and dwell together as Father and son like Adam in the secret Garden. It is the tabernacle of David that Christ the Messiah desires to establish in the earth to this very day. He desires that his saints, with unveiled faces look into his face and become the exact reflection and replica of Himself in the earth. He desires that a royal priesthood would worship his God and His Father in spirit and in truth from the deep depths of their hearts both day and night. His purpose is to restore man back to his original state before he fell into sin in the secret Garden of Eden.
The Passionate Prophets. #16
The most enjoyable time for me was to record the echoes of the prophets. I, Gabriel recorded every jot and title declared by the fanatical prophets who spoke under the inspiration and unction of the Holy Spirit. I, Gabriel the archangel of the Lord passionately kept records of every word in the eternal books of heaven. The prophets and the age of the prophets were birthed by God because of Israel’s disobedience. They were Gods special messengers on the earth as I am God’s inspired messenger in the heavenly realm. They would hear from heaven exactly what God Almighty was saying to mankind and then verbally blast it out word for word on the earth.
They would even mimic the Almighty’s exact expressions and his exact tone of voice. They were like the faithful watchmen who stood guard in the towers and watched over the cities and would sound the alarm, warning of pending danger from an advancing or attacking enemy. They had foresight into the distant future and therefore could warn of pending judgement or danger. They were often called seers because they could see what God saw, whether past, present or future and then proclaim it. They screamed, cried, shouted and acted out the very heartbeat of God Almighty, much like us angels. We also do exactly what we are told by the Lord God Almighty.
The prophets were an unusual and unique “breed” of human being. They spiritually carried a genetic code that was as unique to them in the spirit realm as DNA is to a natural man. They were truly an awesome sight to behold. God himself did absolutely nothing without first revealing his thoughts and secrets to his holy prophets. The prophets mainly walked alone and suffered horrendous rejection and persecution. They were accountable only to God himself. However God used these unpredictable men to inaugurate and anoint his kings. A king was not recognized as a king by the people if he had not been set in his place by a prophet. When the Messiah was ready to step into his destiny he was anointed and inaugurated by the prophet, John the Baptist. We angels have debated this topic over and over again without coming to any logical understanding why God uses prophets to ordain and anoint his kings. All we angels know is that’s his divine order and blueprint. We think that it’s because his prophets are his representatives in the earth and therefore do what God desires them to do in the earth as it is in heaven. We angels just accept this because it’s what God has ordained and its heavens protocol.
The nation of Israel’s faithfulness to God wavered over the centuries and judgement was inevitable. The peculiar prophets warned and warned but their warnings fell on deaf disobedient ears. The ten tribes making up Israel continued in disobedience and were eventually taken captive. Judah was also taken captive into Babylon for her disobedience.
Tabernacles and Temples. #17
Only after four hundred years were the first promises fulfilled that the Lord God had made to Abraham. I, Gabriel the messenger of the Lord witnessed its fulfilment with my very own eyes. The Lord had spoken to Abraham about a four hundred year delay. God said to Abraham, “You must surely know that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not there own. They shall serve them and they shall afflict them for four hundred years. Then I will judge that nation whom they shall serve. And after-wards your people shall come out with abundance and great wealth.”
Not only did God speak to Abraham about this delay but he also spoke to Jacob. God said to him in the visions of the night saying, “Jacob, Jacob!” Jacob answered the Lord and said, “Here I am Lord.” Then God Almighty said to him, “I am your God, the God of your fathers. Do not be afraid to go down into Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation. I will go down with you into Egypt, and I will also surely bring you back again.”
This promise that they would become a great nation was finally fulfilled under the leadership of Moses as the Israelites walked to freedom out of the bondage of Egypt. Moses said about God’s people Israel, “Surely this nation is a great and wise nation and a people of great understanding. For what other nation upon the face of the earth is as great and whose God is always near to them, as Jehovah our God is near to us when we call on Him.” With great signs and wonders the Lord God lead his favourite people out of Egypt to make them into a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The blood of the Lamb painted on their door posts protected them during the Passover, when my colleague the angel of death passed them by.
They miraculously passed through the waters on dry ground while crossing the Red Sea. The Lord Almighty breathed once again and by the blast of his nostrils, parted the Red sea. The Nations round about saw the mighty hand of God deliver them, as a huge mountain of water swallowed up Pharaoh and his pursuing army. In the wilderness a pillar of cloud guided them by day and a pillar of fire by night. God Almighty showed his admiration for his people by displaying mighty wonders and miraculous signs.
These acts of the Lord had struck terror into the hearts of Israel’s enemies under Joshua. The inhabitants of Canaan fearfully and openly declared that the Lord God, Jehovah had given Israel their land, and that terror had fallen upon them. All those who lived in the land were fearful and fainted in their hearts because of the might of the nation of Israel. They had heard how God Almighty had dried up the waters of the Red Sea for them when th
ey had come up out of Egypt. Their hearts did melt within them and their spirits did not remain in any of their fighting men, because the God of Israel had shown himself as the God who ruled the Heavens above and the earth beneath.
Israel had become a supremely powerful nation feared and respected by all the surrounding nations. The nations were terrified of the Israelites because the Lord God would arise as a mighty man of war and fight on their behalf. The Lord their God was their strength and shield, he withheld not a single good thing from them as they walked in righteous obedience before him. Michael, my fellow Archangel in my view is the most powerful of all the heavenly hosts even more powerful than fallen Lucifer. Yet his power and might is weakness when compared to the Lord God when he arises and dresses Himself for battle. When God arises to go into battle his enemies are scattered. A consuming fire goes before Him and burns up all his enemies as he arises as a man of war.
The Almighty fought many battles under the reign of King David.