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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 20

David spoke of Israel and declared, “What single nation in all the earth is like your people Israel, whom you redeemed out of Egypt to be your very own people, to make for yourself a name of greatness and terribleness, by driving out nations from before them.”

  The promises of God make rich and add no sorrow. The promises that God made to Israel that they would become a great nation was fulfilled and Israel enjoyed abundant wealth and great joy as a nation of promise. God truly did show himself strong on behalf of those who were obedient and righteous towards him. Yet when the fullness of time had fully come and Christ the Messiah was born, he would be a prophet far greater than Moses. He would be the fulfilment of all the Law that God had given to Moses upon Mount Sinai. He would be greater than the Law and dispose of its strict requirements and introduce mankind to a greater spiritual laws, the law of love and grace. The Law was only introduced by God as a means to show mankind how weak and frail he was in keeping it. It was a schoolmaster to lead and direct him towards the grace of Almighty God. The grace of God would also be a schoolmaster in teaching men to say no to sin.

  God established a priestly order under Moses in the wilderness. God gave Moses a Blue print of the pattern in heaven and commanded him to build it according to pattern on the earth. So Moses built an earthly tabernacle in the wilderness according to the tabernacle that he saw in heaven. God had gone from walking with man in the secret Garden of Eden to walking with man at the place of the altar. Abraham built an altar, placed a sacrifice upon it and God appeared before him at that place. However in the wilderness Moses built a tabernacle and God dwelt in it. The gate of the Tabernacle faced towards the east, the direction from where the Glory of the Lord appears. He deliberately placed the Tribe of Judah on the east in front of the gate.

  This was to remind his people to always enter into his gates with thanksgiving in their hearts and into his courts with praise. The Lion of the tribe of Judah would always roar from Zion, the dwelling place of God. The cloud of Glory that had directed their paths in the wilderness as a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day went and rested between the two golden cherubs in the Holy of Holies within the tabernacle. Just like the glory of the Lord God rests upon Michael and I as we stand before his throne in heaven.

  The Glory of God has always wanted to rest upon mankind but because the children of Israel were fearful, God rather desired to dwell in a tent made of animal skins. My image along with Michael’s appeared throughout all the tabernacles and temples that were built. After all we are the guardians of the Glory of the Lord God. We were woven onto the veil, the curtain hiding the glowing Glory of Almighty God from men, preventing them from seeing God face to face. We were hammered together out of one single piece of pure refined gold onto the mercy seat, the lid that protects the contents in the Ark of the Covenant. Our images always faced each other with our wings touching, exactly how we stand before the throne of God in the highest heaven.

  King David desired to build a temple as a habitation for the Lord. While King David lived in a beautiful dwelling his heart of hearts became burdened and heavy laden because God Almighty had no place to dwell in. David did not understand at the time that God wants man to walk with him in heavenly realms and not man walk with God in earthly realms. Later King Solomon, David’s son built a great temple for the Lord God and the train of Jehovah’s robe filled the temple. David had built a dwelling place for the Lord God, a meagre tent upon the holy mountain of Zion, the City of God.

  The Messiah was the Lamb of God. He was the sacrifice of God to be slain upon the altar of the cross before the foundation of the world. He was the Temple of God not made of stone but wrapped in human flesh. We beheld his Glory and it was the Glory of his heavenly Father. He was full of grace and truth. His purpose was to restore man back to his original formation. Restore him back to the place in the secret garden of God where God and man would walk together united in desire, purpose and will.

  Christ the Messiah built no altar of his own and desired that man build no altar to worship him. He built no temple of his own and desired that man no longer worship him in a temple. He merely reflected the heart beat of God towards his people and desired that they worship him in spirit and in truth. The sacrifices that he desired was that mankind would offer and present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. Only this would be a reasonable form of worship that God Almighty would accept.

  God desired that mankind approach Him not with the blood of bulls and of goats, but with Christ the Lambs own blood, the blood of the only begotten of God. An eternal heavenly lamb that was spotless and clean capable of removing all of mankind’s sin. His only desire was to dwell in the tent of man’s heart and have the fire of his glory burn away the evil dross of inherent sin. The Lord Jesus Christ would dwell in them, the hope of glory.

  I saw many types and shadows appear over the centuries that pointed to Christ the Messiah, like a shadow of a tree would point to the tree itself. But I never really understood them until the death and resurrection of the promised Messiah. Over the centuries I saw the Lord God provide many a lamb for the redemption of mankind. In the secret Garden of Eden he provided a sacrificial lamb to clothe their nakedness after they fell into sin. He provided a lamb in a thicket for Abraham, saving his son Isaac from certain death. For Moses He provided a lamb for the salvation of every household. The unblemished blood upon their doorpost protected them from the Angel of Death. In the wilderness the Lord God provided a lamb without spot to be sacrifice once a year on the Day of Atonement for the sins of an entire nation. I saw the progression of the provided lamb. First he provided a lamb for a single man. Then he provided a lamb for a family. Then he provided a lamb for an entire nation. But the spotless unblemished Lamb of God was provided to take away the sins of the entire world.

  Promises Fulfilled. #18

  The second promise that the Lord God had make to Abraham also found its final fulfilment over the centuries. I, Gabriel the messenger of God, did not foresee the fulfilment of this great promise myself. God Almighty had told Abraham that his seed was going to be as vast as the dust of the earth. And if a man can number the grains of dust on the face of earth then shall his seed also be numbered. Then later the Lord Almighty made Abraham look toward the heavens and count the number of stars. “If you could count them,” He said, “then your seed can also be numbered.” The Lord God had given Abraham an impossible task. A task that even Abraham failed to have faith in. Abraham knew that it was impossible to count the specks of dust on the face of the earth and number the stars in the heavens above.

  We angels cannot even count the grains of sand on the sea shore let alone every unique fiery star in the heavenly sky. Yet Abraham’s seed was destined to be more numerous than the sand on the seashore and the stars in the entire galaxy. King Solomon the son of King David said concerning the promised children of Israel, “You Oh God have made me king over a people that are like the dust of the earth in multitude.” During the reign of King Solomon the children of Israel and Judah were as many as the sand on the seashore in multitude.

  Moses had spoken to all Israel beyond Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain opposite the Red Sea. Moses spoke to the sons of Israel according to all that the Lord had commanded him concerning Israel. God Almighty had set before them the land to go in and possess it, which he had sworn to their fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to them and to their seed after them. Moses then announced yet another fulfilment of this great posterity. “Jehovah your God has multiplied you greatly, and, behold, today you are as the stars of heaven for multitude. May Jehovah, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times more than you are, and bless you as He has said to you!”

  We angels were astounded at the fulfilment of this great promise. The fulfilment of prophecy always inspires us angels because it’s a monument of destiny when the word that God has spoken comes to pass. We angels call it the day of the Lord as it is when the word of prophesy that was once spoken
finds its fulfilment in space and time.

  I then saw the third and fourth promise that God had made to Abraham also come to pass. God promised Abraham that his seed would inherit the land of Canaan and indeed they did. God promised him the land from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates as an everlasting possession. Hundreds of years later the children of Israel went on to posses the land of Canaan under Joshua the son of Nun. God Almighty gave to Israel all the land, which He swore to give to their fathers. And they possessed it, and lived in it.

  God gave them rest round about, according to all that He swore to their fathers. And not a single man of all their enemies stood before them. The Lord God had delivered all their enemies into their hands. Not a single word of promise failed, nor was any good thing withheld from them, which God had spoken to the house of Israel. Everything miraculously came to pass. King Solomon reigned over all the kingdoms from the river Euphrates unto the land of the Philistines, which was on the border