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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 21

of Egypt. The prophetic promise of the Lord had been fulfilled.

  The final fulfilment that was most magnificent to Michael and I was the promise of the long awaited Messiah. To Abraham and to his Seed the promises were spoken, so that the blessings of Abraham might be to the nations. The promise that God had made to Abraham did not say, to your seeds, as of many; but as of one single seed, “And to your Seed, which is Christ.” Paul the apostle received this mysterious insight that Jesus Christ, the Messiah was the promised seed of Abraham.

  Michael and I, the Archangels of the Lord had often spoken things unto men that we ourselves had no understanding of. To us it was just another inspired message that we obediently spoke under the unction of the Holy Spirit of God. We always delivered the message in the same way that the God of heaven had delivered it unto us. We just simply obeyed His instructions at the time and did what we were told. Little did we realize that men’s destinies were set in motion and that a powerful seed had been sown in the deepest core of their spirits?

  As the rain and the snow that comes down from heaven does not return back to heaven without first watering the earth causing it to bud and flourish. So is the word that emanates from the deepest thoughts and heart of hearts of the Lord God Almighty. From the abundance of His thoughtful overflowing heart of hearts does he speak his inspired word? More often than not He speaks through the mouth of his simple prophets. Once his powerful word has been spoken it shall in no way return to him empty or void. But it shall accomplish what he desires and it shall achieve the purpose for which he has sent it.

  Michael and I often had to place a hot coal upon the unclean lips of many a foolish prophet. The word of the Lord is powerful and pure. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters, the God of glory thunders and in his temple everything says, “Glory.” We angels, since the dawn of our existence have seen many things that have emanated from the throne room of Almighty God that have been unspeakable and full of glory. His holy prophets, whom he loved with deep passion, screamed and cried when proclaiming Jehovah’s intimate thoughts and exposed his every secret to the people. God firstly has his secrets exposed by his lonely prophets before he does anything. If God Almighty has a secret, his prophets would be the first to know.

  The age of the prophets was an interesting time for us angels. They were an unusual breed of men who feared nothing but God himself. They spoke exactly what was on the mind of the Lord God Almighty. I had spent many decades writing with eternal ink into the books of heaven while keeping records of every word spoken by God Almighty in the prophetic books of heaven. It was my passion not to allow a single dot or stroke of the pen to be left out. I was as passionate to accurately record every word as the Holy Spirit of God was to not have a single word fall to the ground. I tediously made mention of every small detail no matter how insignificant it seemed to be. The prophets spoke many things that we angels did not comprehend nor understand at the time. The holy things of God had been hidden from our sight for an appointed time set by the Father in heaven. They were only revealed to us later on during the time of his Lord and of his Christ, the Messiah.

  The Fullness of Time. #19

  When the fullness of time had fully come and the prophecies were no longer echoes in the streets of Jerusalem or promises inscribed upon dusty papyrus pages of ancient sacred scrolls. Gods prophesies were fulfilled in quick succession like the dangerous domino effect. Once the first domino goes down they all go down consecutively and there is no way in stopping them. One by one the prophecies were fulfilled that were passionately pronounced and shouted out over two thousand years by the prophets of old. I, Gabriel had the privilege of being the Lord’s messenger during that time.

  The voice of the Lord thundered once again from before his mighty throne, “Now is the time of my salvation,” he declared. It had been silent on the earth for almost four hundred years without a prophetic voice. God Almighty had not spoken a single word during that time, not even a secret whisper to his peculiar prophets. There was a famine for hearing the word of the Lord in the earth. Heaven and earth had not corresponded nor collided at all during that period of time. It was hard for me to remember my last errand but I think that it was when I had shut the mouths of some hungry lions, preventing them from eating God’s servant Daniel who was in captivity in Babylon at the time. Salvation could not have come at a more appropriate time. The Romans had taken control and ruler-ship of the entire known world including Gods holy nation Israel.

  Israel was subject to Rome and fell under their rule and tyranny. They were heavily taxed and oppressed by them. The Romans were everything and more than what the prophets had foretold. They were a powerful and mighty nation, fiercer than any other nation upon the face of the earth. They were ruthless in battle and showed no mercy to their enemies. They were masters of fighting in formation and fighting together in unity. They never broke rank and never failed to obey Caesar's commands. They had invented ways of torturing their captives that maximised pain while delaying death. The death of the condemned at the hands of the Romans was brutally slow and excruciatingly painful. Even their sports were entertainingly barbaric. They placed men in an arena to duel each other with swords and spears to the death. If that weren’t entertainment enough they would release lions and tigers to duel against these mortal men that they called gladiators. The Romans were cruel and heartless and they ruled over Israel oppressively.

  However the Romans did allow the Israelites to continue with their own spiritual rituals and sacrifices. They allowed the priests to worship in the manner and order established by God under Moses. They even allowed the King of Israel to reign upon his throne as long as he did not provoke an uprising. Israel had been seduced into a melancholy and had become passive under Roman rule. God’s seers and prophets were extremely rare and unknown during Rome’s rule over Israel. Only an old man and a crazy old woman were qualified and ordained by God to speak on his behalf. God made them a promise that they would not die until they saw the coming of the long awaited messiah. God always shines his light out of darkness and Israel was in deep darkness.

  I, Gabriel had been given strict instructions to visit the earth with a divine message. I was to announce the birth of a unique prophet who would be born from an old barren woman. Once again the miraculous was on the cards. Little did I know that it was going to be my busiest time ever in the history of my angelic life. I didn’t even have enough time to meticulously record the unfolding events in the eternal books of heaven. I still to this day hold the universal record for the most visits to earth by an angel in a single earthly calendar year. If I had known that it was going to be my busiest time, I would have paced myself a little bit better. I would have used that quite four hundred year period to work on my physique.

  However, as the instructions of the Almighty came thundering in, so I went thundering out at full speed. I did everything at full throttle and as fast as my golden feathered wings could carry me. I must admit that I was extremely out of shape due to the four hundred-year silence. My muscles and my wings were in serious need of exercise and toning. I was going to get my angelic body back into physical shape and every mission and errand was going to be my training ground. There is nothing worse than heavenly silence and a famine for hearing the word of the Lord. It is better for the whole earth to be silent before Him, than for Him to be silent before the whole earth. Men fail to live when God Almighty stops speaking as men do not live by bread alone but by every word spoken by the mouth of God. Men suffocate on lies and deceit when God fails to speak to them. They become pathetically presumptuous during times of prophetic famine.

  When the fullness of time had fully come I could see an expectation upon the Almighty’s face and I could detect the excitement in his voice. My first assignment was to visit an old man by the name of Zechariah. He was a priest in Israel after the priestly order of Abidjan. His wife Elizabeth was a descendant of the first high priest Aaron, ordained by God under Moses. Zechariah and Elizabeth were both upright in
the sight of the Lord. They observed all the Lords commands and regulations blamelessly. But they had no children because Elizabeth was barren and they were both well along in years.

  When Zechariah's division was on duty and he was serving as a priest before God. He had been chosen by casting lots according to the custom of the priesthood. He went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense. It was the time for the burning of the incense and all the assembled worshippers were praying outside. I, Gabriel appeared before Zechariah and stood at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zechariah saw me he was startled and was gripped with fear. But I said unto him, “Don’t be afraid Zechariah for your prayers have been heard by the God of heaven. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you are to give him the name John. He will be a joy and a delight to you and many will rejoice because of his birth. He will be great in the sight of God Almighty and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth.”

  The people continued