I am Paul - The Little One. Read online
I am Paul
"The Little One"
The Life and Ministry of Paul the Apostle.
(Zero to 68 AD.)
I Am Paul, The Little One.
Copyright ? 2016
Timothy Green
#1 The First Martyr.
#2 Brighter than the Midday Sun.
#3 Eyes Opened.
#4 The Journey Begins.
#5 Love for the Jews.
#6 Law or Grace.
#7 Hard Times.
#8 Alone in Athens.
#9 The God of All Comfort.
#10 Unusual Miracles.
#11 Saying Good-bye.
#12 Bound and in Chains.
#13 A Roman Citizen.
#14 Brought Before Felix.
#15 Appeal to Caesar.
#16 Madness.
#17 Serpent in the Fire.
#18 Final Hour.
Almost the entire Book of Acts was re-written in an easy to read simplified form. In doing so five different Bible translations were used, along with the original Greek words, historical facts, spiritual principles and Bible doctrines, all merged together, to almost read like a story. Extracts were taken from Paul's Letters to the Churches and incorporated into the Book of Acts, including his benedictions, prayers, greetings and instructions.
Up to five hundred references to the Holy Bible were used totalling one thousand one hundred verses of Scripture. (Mostly from the Book of Acts.) References are made in the book to which Greek and Roman god's were worshipped in which major cities, and what those cities were famous for at the time. Constant references are made to "who" travelled with Paul on which Missionary Journey as the Book of Acts can go on for chapters at a time without mentioning "who" is still with him.
Paul the Apostle attempts to tell his own life story as in the Book of Acts, which makes it more personalised and adds a totally new dynamic to it. For example: "Barnabas and Paul," now becomes "Barnabas and I"or "Me and Barnabas."
The First Martyr. #1
At first I hated Him with a violent passion. I detested Him to the extent that I persecuted Him at every opportunity that presented itself to me. He was my worst enemy. I was violently zealous in my murderous quest to totally annihilate Him. I had developed a taste for blood over the years and I was always thirsty for murder. I'd been baptised with pure hatred towards Him. I made it my quest to obliterate His seed from off the face of the earth. I wanted Him and His followers extinguished and wiped out of the history books forever.
I opposed anyone who contradicted my personal beliefs and threatened the extinction of the traditions of my forefathers. I wasn't going to allow our two thousand year old traditions to be overthrown and trodden down under foot without a fight. Especially when my forefathers had paid a price for them with their own blood, to be handed down to us.
How dare He insult our two thousand year old traditions and deem them as being obsolete. I hated Him with a passion. Since I was a young boy, I had diligently studied the ancient laws and texts of our forefathers. I had disciplined myself to follow every rule and regulation religiously. I had dedicated myself to the keeping of every tradition, every feast, festival and all the holy Sabbath days. I religiously kept every regulation regarding offerings and ceremonial cleansing. When it came to observing the laws and traditions of our forefathers, I was blameless. I was circumcised on the eighth day after my birth which was customary according to our law. I made a point of keeping all the laws that were handed down to us.
How could He even dare to tell me that true righteousness could be obtained in a different manner, other than in keeping the laws and traditions of my forefathers? I had studied the Law of Moses in the finest religious institution and had been mentored by Gamaliel the most brilliant minded teacher of our day. As a Pharisee in the council of the Sanhedrin, Gamaliel was highly esteemed by all the people in Jerusalem. It was at his feet that I was taught the perfect manner of the Law and the traditions of our Jewish fathers. I was his prodigy and could re-sight the entire books of the Law of Moses, the Psalms and the Prophets.
I was a Pharisee and the son of a Pharisee. I was obsessed with the observance and keeping of the Law. I was familiar with all the ancient texts and writings of the prophets. I knew everything about the covenants, the patriarchs, the prophets, the priesthood, the laws and the linage of our kings. How dare He even challenge the foundation of our two thousand year old dynasty. I became possessed with intent to protect the beliefs and traditions of my Hebrew ancestors. So great was my obsession that I began to put to death every person who converted to this new order of beliefs. They became an insult to me when they rejected the ancient traditions of our Jewish forefathers.
I had developed my taste for shedding blood when I watched the stoning of a young man known as Stephen. This young man was full of the faith, that I opposed. The new message, the Good News of God kept on spreading throughout Jerusalem and that the number of disciples that were converted to this new order had multiplied greatly. A large number of the priests also became obedient to this new faith craze.
It was this faith, that at first, I was dead against. Jerusalem had been invaded by twelve apostles who were the ringleaders of this new sect, the sect of the Nazarene. They were responsible for promoting this new doctrine of faith by believing in Jesus Christ. They claimed that the righteousness of God was made manifest through believing. A righteousness that was exempt from keeping the Law of Moses and the traditions of our forefathers. They claimed that this righteousness of God, was obtained by faith and by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
This fuelled my hatred towards those who had this faith and believed in Him. As far as I was concerned, He was an imposter, who had false claims to be a deity. The flames of my hatred towards this new sect were fuelled when I watch the stoning of Stephen. His sermon in his defence before the council of the Sanhedrin tormented me. Stephen had said things that cut me to the heart and infuriated me.
Stephen was one of seven upright and honest men that had been appointed by the twelve apostles to serve and distribute food at the tables. The apostles themselves had served daily at these tables at first, until the number of the Lord's disciples had greatly increased. They said, "It's not right that we should have to give up preaching the Word of God in order to attend and serve at the tables." Therefore they selected seven men of good character. Men full of the Holy Spirit and full of the wisdom of God. Men capable of handling disputes that often arose because some groups felt that their widows were being neglected with handouts and were not been treated equally.
At that time I had already taken Gamaliel's doctrine to heart as he had a confrontation with those holy apostles and came to the conclusion, that if this movement was of men, it would fade and quickly pass away. But if this movement was ordained of God, then you would not be able to stop it or overthrow it. You might even be found to be fighting against God Himself, by opposing it and attempting to stop it. At the time I saw nothing in that movement that indicated it was ordained by my God. It opposed everything that the God of Israel had established in the past through our forefathers. Gamaliel had seen movements like this come and go his entire life. These movements would start with enthusiasm and passion but would eventually diminish and then fade away completely.
This Stephen was full of this movements faith and exerted authority and power. He had done great wonders and miracles among the local people. However, there arose those, like myself of the various synagogues who debated and disputed with Stephen. But we were not able to resist the intelligence and wisdom that he had. Later I discovered that it was by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that he spoke with such boldness and conviction. So we instructed
men to conspire against him and say that they had heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and against our God. So after we had stirred up the people, the elders and the scribes, we had Stephen arrested and brought before the council of the Sanhedrin.
Then we set up the witnesses who said with assertiveness, "This man keeps on making statements against this sacred place, our beloved Jerusalem and against the Law of Moses. We have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will tear down and destroy this holy place, our sacred Temple. We heard him say that this same Jesus will change the laws, the customs and the traditions that Moses handed down to us."
On hearing these words, a flame of hatred ignited my anger. So I became consenting unto Stephen's death. On that day a murderous spirit possessed me and I became thirsty for the blood of the saints. That day I developed a deep hatred for this Jesus of Nazareth and for His "Followers of the Way" who believed in Him.
Stephen calmly stood before his accusers with an angelic peace in his heart. There was a silent pause as Stephen took a deep breath. Then he began to speak with confidence and great boldness, interpreting Scripture after Scripture from the ancient writings of our forefathers in his defence. His knowledge of our history and traditions was extremely