Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Read online
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enlightened his understanding according to Pharaoh’s dreams. He knew that the famine would outlast the supplies that he had generously given to his brothers. He even returned their money forcing them to come back and buy again. His lonely heart longed to see his father again and be united with the brothers whom he had forgiven and leant to love deeply. When Joseph saw his brothers arriving in Egypt and that Benjamin was with them. He instructed his servant to prepare a meal for them, so that they could all dine together at noon. Joseph then left to perform his daily tasks and duties, issuing grain to the masses. Joseph’s servant went to welcome Joseph’s brothers into his house. His brothers were afraid when they were summoned to the Lord of the lands house. They presumed that they were going to be arrested because of the money that was retuned to them in their sacks. Instead Simeon was released and united with them while Joseph deliberately returned at noon. His brothers once again bowed down before him, not recognizing him and then presented him with their gifts.
When Joseph lifted up his eyes and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother’s son, he asked, “Is this your younger brother of whom you told me about.” Joseph became overwhelmed with emotion and sought for a place to weep away from his brothers. He entered his chambers and there he wept and wept. Afterwards he restrained himself, washed his face and returned to feast with them. So they all ate and drank. Afterwards Joseph spoke secretively with the steward of his house. He instructed him to fill their sacks full and once again return their money at the mouth of the sack. Joseph instructed his steward to place his silver cup in the mouth of Benjamin’s sack. His steward did exactly as Joseph had instructed him. On their return, Joseph’s brothers were stopped and accused of stealing gold and silver from the house. “We are not thieves,” they protested, “we returned the money we found in the mouth of our sacks. How then should we steal gold and silver from the lords’ house?”
Joseph’s men then searched all the sacks and found Joseph’s silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. Joseph’s brothers tore their clothes and hurried back to the city, to the lord of the lands house. They fell prostrate on the ground before Joseph. As calmly as Joseph could pretend to be he asked, “What deed is this that you have done against me?” Judah replied, “What must we do to clear ourselves?” Joseph said, “I’ll restrain the one who took my cup, the rest of you are free to return to your father.” They could not return to their father’s house without their younger brother. It would be the final nail in their father’s coffin. It would certainly break their father’s already fragile heart. Judah began to negotiate in desperation. He had sworn to his father that he would return the lad to him safely. He explained to the lord of the land, “The lad cannot leave his father, for if he were to leave his father, his father would surely die. My lord we have a father and he is old in years. Benjamin is the son of his old age and his brother Joseph is dead. He alone is left of his mother and his father loves him. Now therefore, I pray, let the lad go home with his brothers and I’ll abide with you in his stead.”
At this Joseph could no longer restrain himself as his emotions began to uncontrollably explode on the inside of him. He cleared the room of all his servants and stewards. Then he wept aloud before his brothers as he revealed himself to them. “I am your brother Joseph whom you sold into slavery.” His brothers could not answer him as they were shaken to the core. Joseph wept so loud that all the Egyptians heard him including Pharaoh. Joseph asked his brothers about his father Jacob. His brothers still could not answer him as they were overtaken with emotion in their heart of hearts. Joseph then explained to his brothers how the Lord had made him a father to Pharaoh and lord over all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt.
Joseph expressed his desire to be united with their father. “Go up to my father, and say unto him that your son Joseph has been made lord in all Egypt by the grace of God and come down to Egypt and be united me. Tell my father of all my glorious adventures in Egypt, and of all that you have seen.” Then he with wide open arms embraced his brother Benjamin and wept upon his neck. He kissed all his brothers and wept over all of them. He forgivingly spoke with his brothers forgiving them of the deeds that they had performed against him. They exchange their adventures and journeys with each other for hours. The report of Joseph’s brothers arriving in Egypt was heard in Pharaoh's house. Then Pharaoh summoned Joseph, and told him that his father and his brothers are to pack up their households in the land of Canaan and come down to Egypt with their families and possessions and live off the fat of the land.
Therefore Joseph gave his brothers wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provisions for the journey. To all of them he gave each man changes of clothes, but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of clothes. For his father he sent ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt, and ten she-asses laden with grain and bread and provision for his father.
Joseph’s brothers departed out of the land of Egypt with great haste. When they had reached the land of Canaan they said unto Jacob their father, “Joseph is still alive, and he is ruler over all the land of Egypt.” Jacobs fragile heart almost fainted and at first could not believe the news. So they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them. Jacob still wouldn’t believe them until he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent as gifts for him. Suddenly the spirit of Jacob was revived and he shouted for joy, “Joseph my son is still alive and I will go and see him before I die.” Then Jacob offered sacrifices unto the God of his fathers Abraham and Isaac and God spoke unto him in a vision of the night. God told Jacob not to fear about going down into Egypt for in Egypt he will there make him into a great nation. God told Jacob that he would go down into Egypt with him to watch over him and keep him. Then he would again bring him back to the land of Canaan that he had promised to Abraham.
So that’s how Joseph was re-united with his family and how they ended up in Egypt. It wasn’t an easy journey for Joseph but it was a journey of destiny. Joseph went from the pit, to Potiphar, to prison and only then to the palace. But it was not at the hand of his brothers but at the hand of Almighty God. Many years after Joseph’s death, Moses carried his bones out of Egypt. Joshua the son of Nun then carried his bones into the Promised Land and Joseph finally lay to rest with his fathers. We angels were all inspired by the life of Joseph. He understood the spiritual principal of forgiveness. When reunited with his brothers he forgave them for betraying him and selling him as a slave.
I admire Joseph for how he avoided sexual immorality by simply fleeing. His reputation might have been tarnished before men by being falsely accused. But before God he had kept his heart pure. I have seen many great men fall into adultery over the centuries but I could not say that of Joseph. He had learnt how to flee sexual immorality. He passionately allowed God to patiently fulfil his dreams as he totally placed his trust in the God of his destiny.
Joseph walked with God like Adam did in the secret garden. Therefore God Almighty placed him in a high position in Egypt. In doing so God saved his precious royal nation from severe famine and certain death because of Joseph. Joseph not only saved the entire nation of Israel from death but he had protected the seed of God in the earth. He had saved the royal bloodline of God in the earth. All things worked together for the good for Joseph who loved his God and was called according to God’s purposes. Joseph’s life, dreams and his destiny were mapped out and planned by the Lord God. The young man had no clue that he first had to be prepared in the pit, in Potiphar’s house and in the prison before being promoted to the palace. Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it will abide alone so it was with Joseph the dreamer of dreams. He had to first die to his own dreams before God could resurrect them and bring them to pass.
We angels had stumble across a powerful spiritual principal. It was the principal of preparation. We angels therefore watched in anticipation from heaven as God Almighty planned and prepared his royal seed for a divine appointment. We were all anxious to see how the preparation of
the dream would produce the destiny of his holy nation, Israel and the coming of the long awaited Messiah.
The Deliverer. #12
Michael and I stood shoulder to shoulder, our wings gently touching each other. The moon was bright and full. Its yellow artificial light made our tired faces glow and our golden wings glisten spectacularly. A gentle breeze caressed our soft golden silky hair. I, Gabriel the Archangel of the Lord along with Michael the Archangel of war, stood side by side together on the banks of the River Nile. God Almighty had posted us in Egypt after the death of his holy servant Joseph. Our mission was to protect God’s royal seed, his holy nation and his royal bloodline in the earth.
All things did not seem to be working out for the good of the Hebrew people. A Pharaoh arose that did not know the God of Joseph, nor did he know how Joseph had come to save the entire nation of Egypt from famine. This Pharaoh was stubborn and hard of heart. He was passionate and goal driven like a cold hearted