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  • Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 10

Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Read online

Page 10

his mighty Archangel of war as a shepherd to a lonely mountaintop. It wasn’t my idea of adventure, adversity or action. I was created for war and here I was walking upon the earth like a young shepherd boy. It was my mission to direct a ram into a thicket and ensure that he was caught by his horns. It was the strangest task that had ever been given to me by the Almighty. I don’t question the Almighty’s commands, I just simply obey them.

  The Lord God thundered out in a powerful voice, “Michael, go and direct a ram into that thorny thicket upon that lonely mountain top.” I simply replied, “Yes Almighty God, as you command.” I bowed before the throne in reverential fear. Then I flew as fast as my wings could carry me to the appointed place. I myself was inquisitive as to what was going to happen. There are many things that we angels desire to look into and perceive but are restricted. We angels are exempt of perceiving and predicting the future. That is the sole privilege of God Almighty and his holy prophets to whom he reveals his secrets.

  Abraham had journeyed for three whole days with his two servants and his only begotten son, Isaac, the son of laughter. In my view, the Lord God had given him an impossible task. His faith was going to be tested to its extreme. I personally thought that the old man was going to back down and fail the ultimate test of faith in God Almighty. What God had requested was beyond human reasoning. God had asked him to do more than the impossible. God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham, take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go into the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will show you.”

  Abraham simply packed up and left, like he had done when God first called him from the land of the Chaldees. So with his son, his servants and the foal of a donkey they departed in faith.

  On the third day of the journey Abraham lifted up his weary eyes, and saw the place from afar off where he was to make the sacrifice. Abraham left the donkey with his two young servants at the foot of the mountain. “You stay here with the donkey,” he said, “while I and the lad will go yonder and worship the God of Heaven.” I watched as he slowly made his way up the mountain. I could see that he was tired from the non-stop journey and that the battle with some of the slopes was tiresome. I could hear their every echoing word as they ascended up the unshakable mountain. Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, “My father, there’s wood and fire but where’s the lamb to sacrifice as a burnt offering to the Lord?”

  Abraham in his infinite wisdom replied, “My son, God will provide Himself with a Lamb for a burnt offering.” So they both slowly continued to walk up the lonely mountain together without saying another word. Isaac believed his father when he said that God would provide for himself a lamb. What incredible faith. Abraham believed God while Isaac believed Abraham his father.

  While I was watching Abraham ascend to the top of the mountain the ram appeared suddenly beside me. I immediately herded him into the thorny thicket unlike any good shepherd would do. Shepherds are supposed to rescue sheep and not snare them into thorny thickets. The thicket embraced the ram by its horns and held him tightly. While the man was making his way up the one side of the mountain the ram had made its way up from the other side of the mountain behind me.

  The ram fought with all its might to try and get itself loose from the thorny thicket. The thicket was determined not to let its prisoner go free and I waited there to ensure that if it got loose I’ll have no choice but to herd it straight back in. The more it tried to escape the more entangled it became.

  Eventually it just lay there quietly in the thicket exhausted from its escape attempt. The old man suddenly appeared before me. The struggling ram had distracted me momentarily. Fortunately for me his spiritual eyes had been kept shut by the Lord God as to my invisible presence before him.

  Abraham had finally arrived at the place, which God had told him about. Abraham and his son Isaac gathered some rocks together and built an altar there just as the Lord had commanded. Then they laid the wood in order on top of the altar. Suddenly he captured his son Isaac and bound him with the rope used to bind the dry bundle of wood for the fire. Isaac had been caught unaware as he had stood with his back towards his father. Isaac had been taken by the element of surprise.

  Isaac was by far the stronger and more athletic of the two men. Under normal circumstances he would never have been captured as a prisoner. He had been outwitted by his father. Abraham proceeded by laying Isaac upon the newly built altar, on top of the assembled wood. Isaac did not open his mouth in protest. He was like a lamb led to the slaughter. Abraham slowly stretched out his hand and took his knife from its pouch to slay his only son.

  Suddenly I heard Gabriel the Angel of Jehovah call out to him. He shouted from heaven above through its open window, “Abraham! Abraham!” Abraham answered him and said, “Here I am.” Gabriel continued to speak in haste, “Abraham, do not lay your hand on the lad, nor do anything to harm him. For now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from the Almighty.” Abraham then lifted up his eyes, and looked. And, behold, he saw the ram before him that was entangled in the thicket by its horns. Abraham untied his son and let him go. Together they went and fought to free the ram from the thorny thicket. They got pricked and scratched by the thorns but it was a small price to pay in exchange for a human sacrifice. They then offered up the ram as a burnt offering and as a pleasing sacrifice before the Lord.

  Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Will See; so that it is said until this day, in the mount of Jehovah it will be seen of Jehovah. Gabriel called to Abraham a second time with the word that God had given him and said, “God has sworn by Himself, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son from Him. That in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens, and as the sand, which is upon the seashore. Your Seed shall possess the gates of his enemies. And in your Seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed God’s voice.”

  This amazing act of worship upon that sacred mountain, paved a way for God Almighty to provide Himself as a sacrificial lamb in the future. God provided a lamb for Abraham because a man’s sacrifices will never meet God’s expectations and requirements. So God Himself would have to provide the Lamb of God, His only begotten Son so that God would meet the expectations and requirements of God. God himself was going to do what He had asked faithful Abraham to do. God has never asked a man to do what He Himself would not do and we His angelic hosts admire Him for it. He was going to take His only begotten Son whom He loved and sacrifice Him upon a lonely mountaintop. He was going to provide for Himself a spotless lamb as a pleasing sacrifice, a sacrifice that would meet His impossible expectations and requirements.

  The Royal Bloodline. #10

  I, Gabriel the faithful messenger of Almighty God recorded all the births and deaths of mankind from the time of Adam until now in the eternal books of heaven. Time had gone by quickly as mankind started to multiply exceedingly upon the face of the earth. I had used a lot of books to record the names of every human being that had been born and then died. As I had issued many birth and death certificates in the realm of the spirit my archives were filling up rather quickly. Every time a child was born, the Lord God would breathe into their nostrils the spirit of life. I penned an eternal record of this supernatural beginning of life in the eternal book of Life in heaven. Every single soul was accounted for and recorded. Not one was disregarded or deemed as valueless. They were all equally deemed as precious and priceless to Him.

  However I kept a separate book for the royal bloodline of kings that started from Adam and ended with the long awaited redeemer, Christ the Messiah. The promised messiah would be the final and greatest king, greater than them all. He would be a King that the Jews rejected and failed to recognize. He would establish a kingdom that would endure forever and ever. His kingdom would not be of this world but it would be a heavenly kingdom that He would esta
blish upon the earth exactly according to the pattern of its original in heaven. It would be a kingdom far greater than the natural kingdom of Israel that He would establish through Abraham’s natural seed.

  This royal bloodline had miraculously survived throughout the ages of time. Allow me Gabriel, to echo my thoughts and give you a summery from the book of kings as I recorded them in heaven. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam and Enoch was not found upon the earth because God took him away through the gate of heaven. Enoch greatly pleased God with his lifestyle of worship and sacrifice. He walk so closely and intimately with the Almighty that he was caught away into the third heaven to be in the throne room of the Almighty forever. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam and Abraham was the fourteenth from Enoch. Therefore there were fourteen generations from Enoch to Abraham. Then there were fourteen generations from Abraham to King David. Fourteen generations from King David to the exile into Babylon and fourteen generations from the exile into Babylon to