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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Read online

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shadows appear that all pointed to the restoration and redemption of mankind. I heard and recorded many prophesies regarding the redeeming saving Messiah in the eternal prophetic books of heaven. But the final blueprint had silently been hidden secretly from us all. We angels, unlike God’s holy prophets only know in the now. We don’t have the ability to see into the future and decree it so that it can be established. These mysteries and secrets had been kept hidden by Gods Holy Spirit until an appointed time set by the Father of Glory.

  The Father of Faith. #8

  The eyes of the Lord roamed too and fro across the whole earth seeking for men whose hearts were perfect towards him. Only those whose hearts were perfect towards him did he show himself strong on their behalf. I, Michael his Archangel, the defender of His throne often battled on behalf of these great and mighty men. They were vigilant men of courage and valour. They stood for righteousness and integrity in a world ruled by evil and wickedness. In their hearts they were upright and perfect towards the Lord God. They were above reproach, exercising their conscience to be void of offense both toward God and man. The world was not worthy to have such sacred men stand upon its sorrowful soil. It was through these magnificent men that God established His sacred covenants.

  Such men did not boast in their earthly riches nor did they boast in their own strength or in their own wisdom. These glorious men boasted in the mere fact that they knew and understood the God of heaven. They boasted in the fact that they knew their God deeply and intimately. Their hearts were fully committed to Him. These were God’s chosen men whom He deemed fit to walk with Him like Adam once did in the secret Garden of Eden.

  Allow me to take you on a journey back in time some 4000 years ago, back to the time of Abram and to the beginning of Gods holy nation. Abram was an old man when God first called out to him. Abram lived in southern Mesopotamia between two ancient rivers called the Tigris and the Euphrates. Between these twin rivers was a fertile plain where some 5000 years ago the first cities in history were developed. Ur was the capital city that emerged in this region. It was from this ancient city that God called out to Abram.

  Abram’s hair was already grey and his body was already considered dead by the Almighty, when God first called him. In other words he and his wife Sarah had no offspring of their own. The seed in Abram’s loins was dead and his wife’s biological clock had stopped ticking a long time ago. Abram had come down through the royal bloodline of Adam. That ancient serpent dragon, the Devil had attempted to destroy this royal bloodline on many occasions. The Sons of God had seen that the daughters of men were beautiful and took them as their wives. They produced ruthless giants as offspring and contaminated the royal bloodline. These giants possessed the land that God was going to claim for his chosen royal race to dwell in.

  Abraham was part of the undefiled royal bloodline that I had diligently protected. It was through this linage that a great and powerful king would eventually come. This king would restore mankind back to his original spiritual state, the same un-fallen state that Adam was in while he lived in the secret Garden of Eden. Abram was a righteous man because he believed in God and put his faith, hope and trust in Him. His spectacular faith was accredited to him as righteousness by the Lord God. He did not worship the images and idols that his grand father, Nahor. Instead Abram built an altar to the Lord and sacrificed offerings upon it as a form of worship to Him. It was at the place of the altar where God would dwell and converse with Abram. The Lord God always dwells at the place of sacrifice and worship. We angels know that if you build a place of sacrifice and worship, the God of heaven will find it and enthrone Himself there.

  We angels, the heavenly hosts were all astounded by Abram’s remarkable faith in God. I remember the time when the Lord God first called him. God said unto Abraham, “Get out of your country, and from your native people, and from your father's house into a land that I will show you and I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great.” So not knowing where he was going, the seventy five year old man just packed up and departed as the Lord had commanded him. I call that remarkable faith. No wonder the Almighty referred to him as the father of faith. Not once did the old man stagger at the promises of God. He was convinced that God was fully able to perform what He had promised. The old man was not fazed that he was dead in his loins and that he had no heir. We angels watched as the Almighty appeared unto Abram again and made him a profound promise. The Lord said unto him, “Unto your seed will I give the land of Canaan, from the River of Egypt unto the great river, the River Euphrates. Through your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” Abram believed that God would resurrect his dead loins and produce a son of promise out of his wife’s dead and barren womb.

  When Abram was ninety-nine years old, God appeared again to him and said, “I am the Almighty God! Walk before me and be upright and perfect in heart, for I will establish my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you and your seed exceedingly.” Abram fell prostrate on his face before the Lord just like we angels do, while God continued to speak to him, saying, “You shall be a father of many nations. Your name shall no longer be called Abram, but your name shall become Abraham. For I have made you the father of many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful, greatly so, and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come out of you. I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed after you in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to you and to your seed after you.” Gabriel and I watched as God Almighty that day breathed upon Abram and changed his name to Abraham.

  The God of heaven made an everlasting agreement with Abraham to establish His royal dynasty upon the earth. It was to be a royal bloodline of kings descending from Abraham’s loins. When Abraham heard these things he fell upon his face, like we angels do as protocol before the throne of Glory. Then Abraham began to do what we angels cannot do in the presence of Almighty God. He began to laugh and laugh as he said in his heart, “Shall a child be born to me as I am a hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear me a son.” I think that the best medicine when facing the impossible is laughter. The Lord God often laughs before his throne and we angels enjoy it when He does. Abraham’s laughter did not faze God Almighty in the least. God just simply replied and said, “Sarah your wife shall bear you a son indeed. And you shall call his name, Isaac which means laughter. I will also establish my covenant with your son Isaac, the son of laughter. By this time next year your wife Sarah shall bear to you a son.”

  When Sarah heard this news she laughed within herself, saying, “Shall I, who am old, truly bear a child?” She laughed more than her husband did. She laughed louder and longer. Little did she realize that there is nothing to hard or impossible for God? Time passed by and a year latter to the very day Sarah bore a beautiful baby boy. We angels know that God is not a man that He should tell a lie. When He makes a promise He watches over his word to perform it. We angels always take the Lord God at His every word. Once He has said it we consider it as good as done. He always does what He says He is going to do. It is a shame that mankind doubts God Almighty when He speaks His word to them. They mock and make sport of His holy messengers, the seers and prophets. They stop their miracles from taking place by doubting Gods holy word and speaking against it. What is so hard about just mixing the word that God has spoken to you with faith? “Just believe,” that’s what we angels always say. Abraham just believed and his destiny was nothing short of miraculous.

  God Almighty gave Abraham four dynamic promises. He promised that Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation and that they would inherit the land of Canaan. He promised a great posterity and that the Messiah would come through his seed. Abraham couldn’t comprehend the breadth and depth of such great promises in his mind but just believed them in his heart. For these promises were going to take him and his descendants on a pilgrimage throughout centuries of history that lay ahead and into eternity.

sp; Abraham eventually died at the good old age of one hundred and seventy five and went to his fathers in peace. He believed all four of these promises would be fulfilled yet he did not see them fulfilled in his own lifetime. He saw them from a distance and passionately welcomed them and embraced them. The amazing promises that God made to Abraham are still valid and embraced by Abraham’s descendants today. You can embrace them too if you only believe.

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  Perfect Faith. #9

  I, Michael the Archangel of the Lord had the privilege of watching that old man, Abraham being tested by the Lord God. When God Almighty speaks and gives you a promise He will always ensure that you are tested with the word that He has given you. The Almighty had sent me,