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  • Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 8

Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Read online

Page 8

“Michael, are you ready.” I replied with reverential fear, “I am ready my Father.” We departed together back to the highest heights of heaven where he sits upon his Throne of Glory. He sat quietly for a long while upon his throne.

  Gabriel and I stood shoulder to shoulder at attention before his throne. The tips of our wings gently touched which is the protocol for us when appearing before His mighty throne. His fingers were darkly stained in red with the blood of the Lamb that He had slain with His own hands. We could hear the man calling loudly out of the darkness, “My God, my Father where are you. I need you. My life is empty and desolate without you,” My heart felt compassion towards them as they were lonely and isolated. My heart hurt as I knew that the Lord God had been separated from His children, His earthly family. I could her them sobbing as they held each other tightly for comfort.

  Suddenly he called an urgent meeting for all the heavenly hosts to appear before Him. Gabriel and I gave the orders and the word was quickly carried throughout the ranks until all the legions had gathered upon their faces before the throne. Gabriel stood by the table before the throne where the books of heaven lay open. He stood with his golden pen in his right hand ready to record what was about to be spoken. I stood in awe at attention with my face turned toward the throne and my wings covering my entire body. “There is another tree in the midst of the garden,” declared God Almighty. “It is the Tree of eternal Life. Whosoever shall eat the fruit of this tree shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.” We angels all stood in silence as the Lord God began to thunder words of promise towards the man that he had created. We all listened with great intent.

  “I will make a way for them,” said God. “I will make a way for God and man to once again walk together. I will make my dwelling place with man. I will abide in him once again and he will abide in me. I will once again breathe into him the breath of life. He will be my Son again and I will be his Father. I will seek and save them that are lost.” We angels were all witnesses to Almighty God's declarations and promises on that magnificent day. Gabriel wrote as fast as his huge fingers could scribble. He never left out a single jot, dot or stroke.

  “I will make a way for them to eat from the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden so that they may once again live and dwell with me in my secret place forever.” The Lord God had spoken and therefore it was surely going to come to pass. He had declared the end from the beginning. I still ask myself what is so special about this unique being on the earth that God calls man, that He is so thoughtful and mindful of him. What is it about this man that the Almighty has dedicated Himself to redeeming him? I am amazed at his efforts to display His mighty acts and miraculous deeds to save a man who is physically weaker than all of heavens angels.

  But these things are not for me to know but ratter for the man to know. This man is by far of more value to the Lord God than any of us angels. I know it, God knows it but I doubt if the man on the earth knows it. That ancient serpent, that cunning dragon has blinded their minds and darkened their understanding in order for them not to comprehend the unending love that their heavenly Father loves them with. They don’t even know their own true worth. The Devil has totally robbed them of their self worth and self esteem. If only they would understand that the Almighty desires to restore them back to the original formation like Adam was in the secret garden. I will remain an eternal enemy to that fallen beast until the end of time, when he is finally cast into the everlasting pit by the Lord God. That ancient serpent, the dragon of hell will have his day of destruction and eternal judgement and I will be there to execute it. All of mankind will be there to see it and Gabriel will be there to record it in the eternal books of heaven.

  Originals and Blueprints. #7

  I, Gabriel the scribe of Almighty God's eternal words had been fascinated with how the Lord God went about his creation. I can only give an account from the time that I was created until now. We angels had the privilege of being created first by the Lord God. I was created third out of all the angels. Lucifer was created first as the chief musician and was by far the most beautiful out of all of the angelic creatures ever created. Michael was the second to be created and was by far the most powerful as he was created as the warrior of heaven. His strength and might were awesome to behold. Then thirdly I was created and from the day that I was created I have been the Lord’s messenger, the declarer and recorder of His holy eternal word.

  I saw the entire creation of all the other angelic hosts. The cherubim with only two wings like us Archangels were created next. They like Michael and I have the face of a man. Then God created the Seraphim, angels with six wings and eyes all over their bodies. However we angels all share a common factor. We are all covered with brilliant golden glistening feathers all over our bodies as our unique vesture. Some of us can shape shift to disguise ourselves to look like men and thus entertain them without them even knowing that we were in their midst as God's delegates. The four living creatures were the last to be created by the Almighty. They are a unique type of angelic host with four different faces and four wings. They have the face of an ox, a man, an eagle and a lion. They are often joined together at the tips of their wings.

  It only took me a moment to fathom out the plan that God Almighty had when the creation of the earth began. I stumble across His plan quite accidentally one day while I was conscientiously recording in the great books of heaven. The Almighty was dictating and I was writing His eternal words down. It suddenly dawned on me at that exact moment when he said, “The whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of my glory as the waters cover the sea.” I became enlightened to His divine plan and purpose for the earth. He was going to restore the man with the glory that He had clothed him with when he had created him from the dust of the ground.

  My Father, my creator had been creating a duplicate of heaven all that time and establishing it upon the earth. Heaven was His original blue print while the earth was a magnificent copy of the true original. The man that He had created was an exact copy of Himself while He Himself was the true reality. Adam, the Son of God was merely a copy of the eternal original blue print in heaven, God himself. This thought hounded my mind continually from the time that I had first entertained it. The idea was so holy that I could not speak of it as it was full of glowing glory. I kept thinking over and over again, “God is heavens blue print while the man is his exact replica.” I became introspective and my emotions couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed.

  If there is one thing that you need to know about the Lord God and that’s His meticulous attention to detail. We angels knew that God Almighty always builds and creates according to His divine pattern. He had built everything upon the earth according to the exact pattern that was in heaven. God is the chief architect and master builder of the entire universe. But He never builds or creates without a blueprint and all of his precious thoughts and ideas are His blueprints. Every blueprint originates from the thoughts and intents of His heart. Most of his blueprints are created when He speaks and makes a decree. He upholds all things by the word of His power and by his powerful word the earth was formed and framed.

  However after the man and the woman fell into sin, the copy on the earth had been broken and smashed. Yet the original blueprint in heaven was unshaken and unmoved. So a tedious journey began that travelled throughout the ages of time to restore the man back to his original formation as he was in the secret Garden of Eden. It was the number one thing on the agenda of Almighty God. The fall of man had destroyed the copy on the earth while the original blueprint in heaven was archived in the heart of God. It was being preserved until an appointed time designated by the Lord God Himself.

  I have recorded many events in the books of heaven of the lives of men who walked on the earth, not as mere men but as men of honour. They forsook their own freewill to follow God Almighty on a journey of restoration and redemption. Many of these men saw the plans and purposes of the Lord God from a distance and welcomed them. These men entered into a b
lood covenant with Almighty God to fulfil His divine plan and purpose. Most of all, it was through these holy men that God ordained a royal kingly bloodline. It was through this bloodline of Himself that was to be the instrument that would restore man back to his original state, clothing him once again with the mantle of his fiery glory.

  This unique bloodline had to be protected because it was through this bloodline that the Lamb of God, the redeeming saving Messiah would come. We angels have watched over many men and women to ensure that the bloodline was not wiped out and abolished forever off the face of the earth. From age to age we watched and fought to ensure that the royal bloodline of kings was preserved and protected. Many battles were fought to ensure that these faithful men would cut holy covenants with the Lord God Almighty.

  We saw men live and we saw men die just to become a small piece in this mysterious puzzle. We saw many new copies established on the earth from original blueprints in heaven. We saw many types and