Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Read online
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and I knew that He was about to do the impossible again.
He had decided to impart his very life and self-existence into that lifeless statue. He looked at Himself and then He looked at the statue again. He would moisten the clay that had hardened upon His fingertips with the self-existent river that flowed out of his innermost being. Then he would gently and accurately make the final touches. He looked at Himself and then at the image again. He repeated the process again and again until the clay statue was perfectly squeezed into shape. Once the clay image was the exact replica of God himself and He was satisfied that it was made to perfection. The Lord God then sighed deeply as he took a deep breath. He held his breath for a moment and then groaned within Himself as He exhaled into the nostrils of the clay image.
In a lightning flash the duplicated statue inhaled what the Lord God had exhaled. The self existent life of God Almighty gave birth to the image of that dusty idol. Suddenly the statue became a living breathing Soul having the clay replaced with human flesh, blood, sinews and bones. The Lord God had reproduced Himself and created a son that was the splitting image of Himself. They were like father like son. They were identical to each other. We angels could have sworn that they were twins, so identical were they in likeness. Then God Almighty gave the man a name according to the destiny that he would fulfil in the earth. He called him Adam, which means the father of blood. Because Adam had a fiery red substance of blood that flowed through his veins. We angels often referred to him as red red or double red.
However there were some subtle differences between the two of them that we angels had detected. While the man, Adam had a fiery red substance of blood that flowed within him like a river. The river that flows deep within the self-existent God, is pure water and its clear as crystal. This was because the river of life that had flowed out of God Almighty while He was creating the man had mixed itself with the reddish soil. Therefore God gave Adam his name according to the red unique substance that flowed through his veins. This was by no means a flaw in the man’s make-up. God Himself is also clothed with a fiery red substance. We angels call it His glowing Glory because when it is manifested it always appears like unto fire. Our God is clothed with fire from the waist down and He is an all-consuming fire devouring His enemies.
The man, Adam and the God of heaven were both clothed with exactly the same fiery red spiritual attire. The man’s nakedness had been hidden from his spiritual eyesight because he had been clothed with the exact glowing glory of his Father in heaven. They were also equal in size but not equal in power. The highest of the highest heavens belong to our God but the earth He had assigned to the man to rule over it. Adam was to rule and govern the earth in the same manner that the Creator ruled and governed the highest heavens. We angels know that the heavens are higher than the earth and therefore the Lord God will always be more powerful and superior than the man. The creator will always be greater than His creation, something that Lucifer failed to realise and recognise. God Almighty delegated authority to His son and gave him ruler-ship and dominion in all the earth.
God had finally established His royal bloodline, His Godly offspring upon the earth. He had become the Father of Adam and therefore Adam was his Son. The Almighty planted a secret garden eastward in Eden and there He placed the man to tend it and to keep it. He was to guard it and build a hedge of protection about it. The Garden of Eden had everything one would ever need. It was totally self-sufficient with fruit and vegetation of every kind. It was a paradise, a home that dreams were made of. Four refreshing rivers ran through the secret garden to water it. The Pison River, the Gihon River, the Hiddekel River and the Euphrates River. They all flowed through the secret garden. The river beds of these four rivers were clothed with fine refined gold and precious stones of every kind.
We all watched in amazement as God Almighty shook the hardened dusty clay from off His entire being. He washed Himself with the pure supernatural fountain the flowed from deep within Himself. I looked at Michael and immediately he knew my thoughts. I desired to have a fountain just like that on the inside of me as to have its cleansing waters flow out of me to purge myself before entering into heaven. Getting rid of every speck of earthly dust before entering the throne room has always been a mission for me. Shaking off the dust has never been my forte.
On the seventh day God rested just as He had said. His work was finally complete. He had saved the best for last. That entire seventh day the Almighty kept looking at Himself and then at His new creature. Adam was the masterpiece of all Gods creation. He was a fine specimen and deeply loved by God. We angels all stood quietly at attention before the throne and admired the creation with the Almighty through the open window in heaven. The windows and gateway of heaven were the connection between the happenings in heaven colliding and corresponding with the events upon the earth. It had been a week filled with signs and wonders and miracles. We angels were all astonished by His mighty deeds and marvelled at the miraculous works of His hands. For with God nothing is impossible and His power is unlimited.
Almighty God had planted the Tree of Life in the middle of the secret garden, side by side with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God said to the man, “You may freely eat of any of the fruit in the garden, but not of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For in the day that you shall eat of it, you shall die and die again.” I was only aware of a single death at that time. I was only aware of a spiritual death that was eternal separation from Almighty God. It was this death that had come upon Lucifer and his rebellious followers when they were cast out of the highest heaven. I was totally oblivious to knowing and understanding a second death.
The Lord God had created every animal of the field and every fowl of the air. So He brought them to Adam, the Son of God to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature that was its name spoken by both God and the man. We angels also had to call them by the names that the man had given them. Adam gave names to all the cattle and to the birds of the air, and to every animal of the field as he was the authority in the earth. He was a speaking spirit like his heavenly Father with the ability to download those things in heaven and establish them upon the earth through his spiritual speech.
He began to decree the things that he saw in the heavens and they were established upon the earth. He built a hedge of protection around the Garden of Eden with the words of his mouth. Whatever he allowed in the garden was those things that were allowed according to the pattern in heaven. Those things that were disallowed were those things that heaven had forbidden. The Paradise of God, the Garden of Eden was perfectly governed by the man.
Later that evening, the Almighty sat quietly upon His throne. Suddenly I heard Him whisper to Himself within Himself, “My blood now flows within his veins for my very life is in his blood.” The reality of that statement emotionally paralysed me even further as I stood dead still in reverential fear before the Almighty. I pretended not to hear but the Lord God knew my deepest thoughts and the intents of my heart. I felt undone before His mighty presence and His magnificent glowing glory. I couldn’t help myself so I simply bowed down before Him and cried from the bottom of my heart, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.” His might and His magnificence often left me speechless and breathless, yet today my heart was overwhelmed.
The more I cried in adoration before the throne, the more my understanding became enlightened and revelation knowledge of Him filled my heart. The eyes of my heart were flooded with light as divine revelation flashed before me in visions of the events of creation. The seed of the Almighty lay dormant in the loins of His earthly son, Adam. The Almighty had reproduced Himself according to His own kind. This mystery still confounds me to this very day. Oh Adam, do you not know who you are? Why mankind refuses to believe that he is anything less than a son to the Lord God astounds me. If only he would believe. If only he would believe that he is the unique Son of God, created in his exact image and
likeness and that he is deeply loved by his heavenly Father.
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A Bride from His Side. #4
There wasn’t a suitable companion found for the man, but that was going to change as the master builder; God Himself would yet again create another masterpiece. There is something majestic and mysterious about the God of heaven. He is three but one and one but three. The Lord your God, the God of heaven is one God but they are three separate individuals. This mystery is beyond even my comprehension. They were together from the beginning since the dawn of time. Before the mountains were formed, from everlasting to everlasting they were together as one God. They are perfectly united in harmony as three but one. Their self-existence could not be fathomed