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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Read online

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or comprehended not even by us angels. It is something that one just has to simply believe in and have the faith to accept. It has always been like that, so we His angelic hosts accept it for the way it is. Since the day that I, Gabriel the Archangel was created, has the Lord God been one God but three. In heaven among us angels they are known as the divine Trinity and deity. They are three individuals together in perfect unity as one great and powerful God.

  We angels refer to them as the Lord God Almighty, the one who was and who is and who is to come. They are Holy and worthy of All Glory, honour and praise. Mankind refers to them as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Yet man himself is three but one. He is made up of spirit, soul and body. In my view the secret to the Lord God Almighty being three but one is in the power of agreement. They forever unite themselves in the power of agreement. In fact they never do anything without unanimously first agreeing upon it. That is why everything in the heavenly realm is so perfectly synchronised. The planets all turn and spin around within and about themselves at their own unique time according to the clock that the Almighty has assigned to them. Agreement between things always brings unity and unity always abolishes the impossible. That’s why with God all things are made possible. They are one united God but three who always agree.

  The thing that the Lord God of heaven loves doing the most is stepping out of the eternal heavenly realm. He steps through heavens open gateway to walk in the secret garden with the man that He has created. It was during the wind of the day that He would go down from His throne and walk with the man in the secret Garden of Eden.

  They would walk together and talk about anything and everything. Adam had the privilege of the freedom of choice and freewill unlike us angels. We angels can only speak when spoken to and come and go when commanded to. We make no angelic choices on our own accord. We are under heavenly instruction and only respond when commanded by the Lord God. Anything else would be considered as insubordination and an act of rebellion, punishable by expulsion from before the throne of God, spiritual death. Yet Adam, the Son of God could speak freely from his heart. Whatever questions he had and whatever was on his mind he could reveal to the Almighty. They would walk and talk for hours at a time. Adam would sometimes ask the strangest of questions. He was a far more superior being than us angels. He had what Lucifer wanted, a free will of his own and delegated authority to rule over his own kingdom.

  The earth was given to the man for him to subdue it and take dominion over it. Yet the man was without companionship and lonely. He had no suitable helper. I had often heard God Almighty saying, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Loneliness is like an incurable disease. Ones self-existence is intended to be shared with another. Michael and I, God’s holy Archangels often connect with one another and allow our golden wings to touch. We often confide in one another and look to one another for help and emotional support. The Life of God that was given to the man was given with the intention of being shared. One becomes selfish and lonely when one doesn’t have a partner to share his life with and Adam was lonely.

  The Lord God, our Creator went about creating once again but this time it was for the last time. I had the privilege of witnessing these magnificent events and recording them in the eternal books of heaven. Everything in heaven is recorded in these books that are before the throne. They are eternal manuscripts that bear witness to the miraculous acts and deeds of our eternal God. I was permitted to see what only the eyes of God Almighty could gaze upon, so that I could witness and give an account in these books. Absolutely nothing in heaven is ever done without a witness. Everything in heaven is sealed on account of two or three witnesses and I, Gabriel was the witness to His final masterpiece. I knew that He was going to create a helper for his son, Adam. He didn’t keep that as a secret from us. We angels often heard Him say before the throne, “I need to create a suitable helper for the man as it is not good for him to be alone.”

  We all knew that our Creator was going to create another creature but when and how was unknown to us. We angels would often debate about the time and place, and once again all our predictions were hopelessly wrong. I predicted that He was going to lie down in the dust again and shade around Himself and make another mould of Himself. After all He had destroyed the first mould of Himself that He had made. I presumed that He only wanted a single duplicate of Himself. So God Almighty once again went about creating, but this time it was an even more peculiar method than Adam, His first earthly speaking spirit.

  We angels had no idea that He was going to manufacture a magnificent creature out of the side of the man. We should have guessed it, as it was obvious. The obvious had stared us directly in the face and we had failed to recognise it. We should have known because the Almighty had created His son from the deepest thoughts and intents of his heart. His son had been birthed from His side, from the centre of His innermost being and from the core of His heart of hearts. He then caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, a trance as it were, in the middle of the day. Adam became lethargic and could no longer stand under the strain of his God's supernatural anaesthetic. Adam lay down on the ground and the Lord God caused him to fall into a deep sleep.

  Then the Lord God knelt down next to his prized creature. He unfolded His sleeping son’s arms from off his chest and laid them out on his sides. Adam was in the exact crucifix position except that he lay on the ground instead of being suspended in the air. The Almighty then sliced through his son’s chest and detached a cell that was next to his rid-bone, one that was closest to his heart. He could have chosen any cell but He chose the one closest to Adam's heart. He then closed up the place with flesh where He had taken the cell. It was bloody and it was messy. It was the first time that we angels had ever seen man's blood shed. We had never encountered the fiery red substance of man being shed before. I must admit that we were a bit shaken by it as we felt that it was abnormal, as we angels don’t have fiery red blood in our angelic bodies.

  The master craftsman once again began to spin upon His fingertips. This time it was with the flesh, blood, bone and sinews from a single cell from the side of the man. This time the creator wasn’t creating what was upon His heart. He had already done that when he had created the man. This time he was creating what the man had upon his heart. He was creating according to Adams deepest thoughts and the intentions of the man’s heart.

  Almighty God had been so deeply intimate with the man as they had walked together daily in the garden that He knew everything about him. The God of heaven had searched the man through and through. He had got to know him deeply and intimately. He knew when he would sit and when he would rise. He even knew what he was thinking. He knew his deepest desires. He knew his deepest thoughts and the intentions of his heart. He knew that the man didn’t like being alone. He had perceived his thoughts from afar. The Almighty even knew how many hairs the man had upon his head the same way that He knows exactly how many feathers I have all over my body. The Almighty knew that Adam desired a bride to stand by his side and to walk in agreement with him.

  So the Creator began to create from the heart of the man what the man had desired. A bride would be birthed from his side to stand by his side. He was going to create from the man the perfect companion that the man had dreamed about. Every night while the man lay sleeping, God Almighty would watch over him and perceive his dreams. The creator began to form another creature from the flesh, blood and bone. So as a master builder and architect the Lord God began to build and sculpt Adam’s bride according to the “blueprint” that Adam had dreamt in his innermost heart of hearts. God Almighty gave the same attention to detail as He had given when creating the man. This creature was not at all similar to the man. This creature was uniquely different. She was slightly smaller in size so that she could fit perfectly under his arm while they walked together in the garden and while they were at rest.

  She had been created from his heart to return to his side to be protected by him. She in turn could listen to the bea
t of his heart and share in his dreams and destiny. Almighty God had created a perfect helper for the man. She was physically a weaker vessel and she became dependent upon the man’s strength. Exactly like Adam was dependant upon the strength of his creator so the woman was dependant upon his strength. Her eyes were beautiful. I couldn’t stop looking at them. They were ablaze and sparkled as if they were on fire. Her hair was soft and gentle. It was long and covered her entire back of her body. Her flesh glowed like fine gold in the sunlight. It was soft and delicate. She was perfect. She had been uniquely created by the Almighty, formed and built from the side of the man.

  Suddenly the man began to awake supernaturally after his internal adjustments were complete. He started to regain consciousness and come back to his senses. God Almighty had taken the woman and had hidden her away behind the dense vegetation in the secret garden. When the man awoke he went and had a drink of water from the refreshing river Euphrates in the midst of the