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  • Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 6

Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Read online

Page 6

Garden of Eden. He washed his face and reset his hair back in its place. He knew that something was missing from within himself but he couldn’t tell what it was. He felt that something was mysteriously missing from down deep within his innermost being but he could not put his finger on it. Little did he know that he had cut a covenant with his very own flesh and blood and that he was eternally bound and connected to his helper’s soul? I knew exactly why Adam was feeling what he was feeling. It wasn’t what was missing from within him but what he had gained within himself. He had been connected to another in spirit, soul and body. We angels call this phenomenon a soul tie. It is when two people become eternally connected when the act of marriage is consummated.

  The man made his way toward the middle of the garden to the place where he would meet with his heavenly Father. As it was the time when the wind was gently blowing like a breath, cooling the heat of day. It was the time of day when they would walk together hand in hand and be intimate. It was his favourite time of day, when he would find out more and more about his Father in heaven. Adam loved those deep moments of expressing gratitude back to God because of what the Almighty had given him and what He had done for him. We angels call this the art of worship.

  Adam could hear his heavenly Father calling out his name, “Adam where are you.” Adam echoed back and answered, “Here I am, Father.” They met face to face in the middle of the garden. Adam could see that the Lord God was hiding something behind Himself. Each time Adam tried to take a look at what Almighty God was hiding; God would side step him to prevent him from seeing. This is what I love most about the God of heaven; He is the re-warder of those who curiously and persistently seek Him and keep on seeking Him.

  Adam wanted to know what his heavenly Father was hiding and couldn’t stand the suspense any longer. “What are you hiding?” he confidently asked. The father answered him excitedly, “You have delighted yourself in me and therefore I have given you the desires of your heart.” God Almighty then stepped aside and the woman walked out from behind the trees. The Almighty then presented the woman to the man. She was his helper. She was to walk alongside him and be in agreement with him. Adam was left speechless just like we angels were when the Almighty had created the man from the dust of the ground. I thought for a moment that he had lost his tongue. “Come and take her as your companion. She is yours to love and to cherish,” said Almighty God.

  Adam took her by the hand and gently whispered softly to her, “You are flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. You shall be called woman because you were crafted and built from my side.” God Almighty united them in the holy ceremony of marriage. The man and the woman were together one like the God of heaven was one? The two were one flesh and perfectly united in spirit and soul. God had finally completed His creation. God had created them both male and female.

  Yet in the deepest part of the garden their lurked a deadly venomous danger. A deceptive dragon serpent hated what he had seen the Creator create. It was Lucifer, now called Satan in a beastly disguise. He hated the magnificent masterpiece of worship that worshipped the Almighty in spirit and in truth. He despised the man’s ruler-ship and the dominion that was given him in the earth. That ancient dragon, Satan was bitterly jealous and envious of the man and the woman. He simply hates anything that resembles the Almighty let alone his exact replica. The man was in danger, as he had not yet made known to the woman the commands of the Almighty not to eat of the fruit of the tree that was in the midst of the garden. Adam had learnt from the Almighty to exercise authority in the earth and to tread upon serpents and scorpions. But he had not yet imparted this knowledge to his innocent companion the woman. Disaster was immanent.

  The Fall of Man. #5

  It was early in the morning and the secret Garden of God slowly awoke to the many sounds of the many different creatures as the sun slowly glistened upon the surface of the earth. The creatures of the earth rejoiced, the birds sang songs of thanksgiving that reached the highest heaven. Everything that had breath praised the Lord. Paradise was perfect and in perfect harmony with its creator. The man governed the secret garden with delegated authority and dominion. He had built a huge hedge around the garden with his heavenly speech to prevent unfamiliar beasts from entering.

  I, Gabriel the bearer of good tidings from God Almighty stood before the Throne of Glory both day and night. I would watch from a distance as the Creator and the creature would walk side by side during the cool of the day. The God and Father of us all, loved his son Adam and his daughter Eve. Not a single day went by without them walking together in the secret garden. God would leave His heavenly throne everyday without fail to walk the earth and enjoy fellowship and intimacy with the children that He had formed. He shared His every heart beat with them as they walked together in the secret garden.

  Now that ancient serpent, that defiant dragon was more cunning and crafty than any of the other beasts in the field. He had become deceitful and was the master of all lies from the beginning. The truth of heaven had no conscience within him. He had become the master of dark deception. His entire being was full of darkness and craftiness. One day he entered the secret garden of God upon his belly. He had secretly crawled underneath the hedge of protection that Adam had built. He entered the secret garden with the cruellest of intentions and the most destructive of motives. He had hated the man from the first day that he had seen him created. To tell you the truth, Satan hates and despises everything that God Almighty has created except himself. He is full of pride and thinks only of himself to this very day.

  He cowardly approached the woman while the man was tending to his duties in the garden. He knew that the man would have taken dominion over him and cast him out the moment he had seen him enter. Words of vicious temptation slithered out of his mouth as he spoke to the woman, “Has God given you permission to eat of every tree in the garden?” The woman innocently replied to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. But of the fruit of the tree, which is in the middle of the garden, God has instructed us not eat of it, neither are we touch it, lest we die a duel death.” The serpent continued with his devilish deception and suggested unto the woman saying, “You shall not surely die and die, for God knows that in the day that you eat thereof, that your eyes shall be opened like a fountain to your own senses. You shall become like the self-existent God of heaven, knowing good and evil.”

  So when the woman saw that the tree was good for eating, and that it was pleasant to her eyes and it was a tree with fruit to be desired to make one wise. She took of the fruit and began to eat it. She had fallen into the trap by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. When her husband returned she also gave the forbidden fruit to him and he did eat. Suddenly the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked as the glowing glory that clothed them departed. They had died a spiritual death, the first death. So they sewed fig leaves together, clothing themselves with self-righteous man made mantles.

  They had disobeyed the commands of the Lord God and had transgressed his instructions. God himself will not transgress His own spiritual laws. We angels are witnesses to His righteous deeds. There are always consequences to transgressing against Gods holy commands. The man and the woman were going to find out the consequences for themselves.

  Suddenly they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the secret garden in the cool of the day. Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden for the very first time. Their conscience was no longer void of offence towards God their heavenly Father. The Lord God called unto Adam, and cried out unto him, “Where are you?” There was silence and a moment’s pause. It was the first time that the man had not arrived to walk side by side and hand in hand with his creator. It was the first time that God Almighty had to call out to the man. “Adam, where are you?” called God again. Usually they met right on time as divinely as ever and as eager to interact with one another. God Almighty called out to the
man again and again, “Adam, where are you?” Then the man sheepishly appeared from behind the trees and shamefully approached his God. He replied in disgrace, “I heard your voice in the secret garden, and I was afraid, because I saw that I was spiritually naked so I hid myself amongst the trees in the garden.”

  Then God said, “Who told you that thou were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, which I commanded you not to eat? Adam answered softly as his conscience burned with conviction, “The woman that you created from my side as my helper, she gave me the fruit of the tree, and I ate it.” It was a shame to see how he had passed the blame onto the woman. He knew before he ate the fruit that it was from the forbidden tree in the middle of the garden. His conscience had burned within him and instead of accepting its prompting of warning he passed the blame. Already the man started to show signs of behaving like that cunning serpent the devil.

  Then the Lord God said unto the woman, “What is this that you have done?” So the